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Emily's POV

"UP, UP, UP!" I shout in the hallway of my house. "GET UP!" I scream while opening the kids bedroom doors.

"Mom why are you yelling?" Courtney questions giving me a confused look while sitting at her desk going over her homework.

Courtney's usually the first one up for school, So by the time I'm waking everyone else up she's already dressed and ready

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Courtney's usually the first one up for school, So by the time I'm waking everyone else up she's already dressed and ready.

Of all of our kids she's the only one that loves going to school; it's been that way since she started pre-k.

I'm starting to think we left her around Spencer a little too much as a kid.

"So your brother and sisters can be up and on time for school and practice" I respond to our oldest. "Y'know I wouldn't have to yell if you would just wake them when you're getting up" I add. "Just a thought" I quip before going in Grace and Lily's room.

"Mommy, Lily has a stomach ache" Grace informs me.

Walking over to the other bed I see Lily still under the covers not dressed for school.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"My stomach hurts" Lily replies.

Pulling out my phone I text Alison telling her to come in the twins room along with the thermometer.

"Which one?" Alison questions walking in the room.

"Lily" Grace tells her while getting dressed.

Sitting down next to me on Lily's bed Alison sticks the thermometer in her mouth to check her temperature.

"Ninety eight point nine" I quip as Alison removes the tool from our daughters mouth. "She doesn't have a fever, what should we do?" I ask Alison.

"I don't know" my wife responds playing along. "I guess she's just gonna have to stay home from school and swimming practice" she says making Lily quickly sit up.

Grace and Lily have loved swimming ever since they were four.

They saw an old video of me in tenth grade during my swim meet at Rosewood and they automatically fell in love with it.

Ali and me took them to their first swimming class and from there they told us that they wanted to do it; which is why we know that they hate missing practice.

"I'm okay to go to school" Lily tells us causing me and Alison to smile at each other. "But my stomach does actually hurt" she declares.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now