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"ALI!" Emily screamed as her legs moved in a flash to get over to her wife. "Ali..Alison baby please get up...HELP ME MOVE THIS!" She began to shout at her parents and children.

"Emmy, I need you to back up okay?" Wayne tried to keep her calm before removing the small China that Alison was pummeled by. "Alison look at me" he instructed her. "Can you tell me how many fingers I have up?" He questioned putting up five fingers.

"Four, the thumb is a digit not a finger" Alison groaned out as Emily, Pam and Wayne sighed in relief. "Ouch" she whined now clutching onto the back of her head.

"Wait, let me look...

"I'm okay" Alison cut her off.

"No, let me just check and...see" Emily slowly said after trying to check her wife for bruising only to find thick strands of her blonde hair locked around her fingers.

"Mama, you're hair" Dylan pointed in shock as Emily stared at her.

"I said I'm fine" Alison quipped snatching the shedded strands from Emily's hand. "I don't need your...

"Woah, Ali" Emily caught her after stumbling a bit. "I gotta get her to a hospital" she said grabbing her things and leading Alison out to the car.

"I don't wanna talk about it, Emily" Alison sighed now looking out of the window as Emily drove out of the driveway.

"Hey, Court I know this isn't really good timing but do you like..wanna talk about it?" Sofia questioned.

After meeting Dan for the first time Courtney made everyone evacuate the house. She figured that if they could get to a hospital fast enough they would be okay if there were to be an aftershock. Hospitals always know what to do during earthquakes and natural disasters; that's what Jessica always told her. They all packed into one car and made their way to the Rosewood Community Hospital after picking up Hannah and Hope, but the girls couldn't help but notice how quiet Courtney was on the drive over there. To think that your dead grandfather who raped your mother was actually your father your whole life was crazy; but to turn around and find out that your uncle who is still living is actually your father was even crazier.

"Babe" Mechelle gently laid his hand on Courtney's thigh as she drove into the hospitals parking lot. "You want to talk? It doesn't have to be to me but maybe you could talk to the girls or maybe your mo..."

"I don't want to talk to them" Courtney stopped him from finishing. "Let's just get inside" she said before opening the door.

"Wait" Hannah stopped her this time making them all stop in their tracks. "I've been thinking and..and I think I'm gonna give Hope up for adoption" the girl said causing the car to go silent.

"WHAT?!" Both Courtney and Brooke shouted while Isabella, Sofia, Mechelle and Ailyn gave her a look of confusion.

"She'll be better off without me" Hannah began to explain. "She deserves more than a seventeen year old mom who can't remember to feed her or puts her in harms way. She deserves the world and I can't give it to her" Hannah cried.


"It's not up for discussion, Courtney" Hannah cut her off. "I've made up my mind" she finished making her best friend scoff at her.

"You're a selfish bitch" Courtney got the final words prior to slamming the car door and storming into the hospital.

"You guys I'm not enough for her" she tried to explain but they all ignored her.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now