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Okay so this has nothing to do with the story at all but I kinda need your opinions lol please let me know what you think.

Back during my last years of high school I was seeing someone.
We weren't ever official but we started off as friends and then developed feelings and started "talking or dating" I honestly don't even know what to call it.
Anyway during that time he was nice and sweet but then he suddenly became asshole of the year and started dating other girls and just started being a dick.
It's been two years since I graduated high school and now he's back and this time it's weird.
He suddenly takes more interest in me than he EVER has.
Like he's asking what kind of books do I like to read, trying to get to know more about me and checking up on me out of the blue.
I was sick last week and he drove to my house in the middle of the night just to bring me soup without even telling me that he was coming.
He's constantly wanting to be around me and doing nice things and I'm just like "WTF?"

Is it weird for him to come back after two years all of a sudden and have interest in my life?

I don't actually think I have feelings for him anymore but do you think he's trying gain me back even though he always says we're just friends?

IDK THE DUDE IS FUCKING CONFUSING lol 😂 and I usually can read people but I can't read him at all.

What do you think???


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