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"Hey sleepyhead" Alison whispers into Emily's ear waking her up. "You hungry?" She also questions the half woken girl lying next to her.

"Starving" Emily mumbles out into the pillow.

"What do you want to eat?" she asks while gently sweeping a loose strand of hair behind the Brunettes ear.

"I really want Fruit Loops" Emily says rolling over on her back to see her beautiful wife sitting up on the bed shirtless.

"Then Fruit Loops you shall get" Alison responds leaning down placing both hands on the sides of Emily's face while kissing her ever so gently

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"Then Fruit Loops you shall get" Alison responds leaning down placing both hands on the sides of Emily's face while kissing her ever so gently.

"Can I stay in bed and eat?" Emily questions already knowing Alison will most likely say no.

"Sure, I'll be back" the blonde says stepping out of bed and putting on her robe before leaving out of the room.

Still in bed Emily grabs the remote control to turn on the royal wedding.

While watching from bed she then hears little footsteps walking towards the room.

"Hi mommy" Lily says walking into the room with Pepe.

"Hey Lily" Emily says with a smile now that Lily's sitting in front of her in a unicorn onesie.

"Where's the other monsters?" Emily also asks since all of the kids are usually up by this time

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"Where's the other monsters?" Emily also asks since all of the kids are usually up by this time.

"They're still asleep" Lily answers now looking over at the tv. "Mommy what are you watching?" The bright eyed little girl questions.

"The Royal wedding" Emily answers lifting the covers so her daughter can get underneath with her.

One night back in tenth grade Emily spent the night over Hanna's house so that they could go shopping together the next day.

Instead of waking up at 9am like a normal person Hanna woke up at 4am to get snacks and woke Emily up at 5 so that they could watch the royal wedding together.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now