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*okay so this chapter is gonna be a little different from the usual chapters, but if you don't understand it or if you get confused comment and I'll try to answer to my best ability...listen to the song*

"Sixteen year old shot with a Glock seventeen at a party, open chest cavity, unconscious and she's loosing a lot of blood" the paramedics say as the vehicle rolls to another stop sign.
"What's her name?" The man questions someone else in the truck.

"Sofia" Courtney cries. "Sofia Natalie Taylor" she lets the paramedics know.

"Okay, Sofia we're gonna need you to fight" a man says standing over top of Sofia's body. "You lost a good amount of blood and we need to make sure....

*Beep Beep, Beep Beep, Beep Beep*

Getting cut off by one of the monitors the man quickly grabs his stethoscope placing it to Sofia's chest.

"what's happening" Courtney questions and panics. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" the blonde screams at the man as he continues to ignore her questions.

"COLLAPSED LUNGS!" He screams at the other paramedic in the truck. "SHE NEEDS OXYGEN!" he also shouts rushing for the other man to pass him the R&B Oxygen cylinder stashed near the front.

"GET US TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" the other guy shouts at the driver as the machine continues to sound off while the paramedics pump oxygen into Sofia's lungs. "C'mon Sofia you gotta stay with us" he lastly says to the unconscious teen.

Arriving at Rosewood Community Hospital at 3:32 in the morning Courtney runs behind the paramedics as they roll Sofia into the hospital handing her over to the nurses.

Now running after them they all make their way to the elevators to head up to the ER.

"What's gonna happen?" Courtney questions the nurses. "She's gonna be okay right?" she asks causing one of the women to turn around to face her. "She has to be okay, right?" Courtney asks now sobbing uncontrollably.

"What's your name?" The woman questions her trying to calm her down.

"Courtney DiLaurentis-Fields" Courtney answers through her sobs. "Is Sofia gonna be okay?" "I can't lose anybody else...

"Courtney look at me" the woman starts by taking Courtney's face between her hands making her look at her. "We're gonna try our best to do what we can for Sofia but we need you to calm down" she adds. "Wait out here and call your parents" the lady finishes before walking away making Courtney trail over to the desk.

"May I use the phone please?" The blonde questions the receptionist earning a nod from the young girl who looks only a couple years older than her.

Reaching out to pick up the phone Courtney comes to a stop once she sees Sofia's blood all over her hands.

Reaching out to pick up the phone Courtney comes to a stop once she sees Sofia's blood all over her hands

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Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now