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Corey's POV

"Who's Julio?" me and Dylan ask in unison.

"Hey big brother" a mans voice calls out as everyone except me and Dylan turns in his direction.

"Julio is your father" Zuly states as we stare at the man.

Not saying anything we both just watch as he walks over in our direction standing right in front of us

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Not saying anything we both just watch as he walks over in our direction standing right in front of us.

"Aren't you glad to see your little brother?" Julio knowingly questions Diego. "I get out of prison after five years of being in and I don't even get a hug or a welcome home?" He asks.

"Yeah..yeah I wasn't thinking straight, my bad man" our uncle Diego says to him. "It's good to see you brother" he adds in pulling Julio in for a hug. "How've you been? You look good" the older man says to the younger one grabbing his head and placing a kiss on the top of it.

"Yeah, you look good Julio" Diego's wife Zuly comments hugging our biological father as well.

"He doesn't look so good to me" I whisper in Dylan's ear causing Julio to cut his eyes over in my direction.

Semi scared of the man I place my hand down in between me and Dylan, making sure to grab onto his hand for support.

"I am good" Julio let's his older brother and sister in law know. "I'm out early for good behavior and I'm ready to get my life back on track" he tells them. "But uh wh..who's this?" He asks Diego nodding his head at us.

"Listen, um you remember when you donated you know?" Diego starts awkwardly looking down at his brothers junk.

"Oh yeah..yeah" Julio acknowledges. "What about it?" The tanned man questions.

"Well, Julio these kids are actually your kids" Zuly notifies him making him give off a weird look.
Dylan's POV

With the room so quiet you could hear the dropping of a pen I hold onto my sisters hand being able to tell that she's uneasy.

"Dylan and Corey" I introduce the both of us.

Looking down at my extended hand Julio meets his with mine to shake it and greet each other.

"Hey" Julio says to me and Corey.

"Hey" we both say now standing in an awkward silence.

"Well, look I just got out of prison and I don't know what you're looking for here but I ain't got it" he lets us know. "I don't even want kids so if you're looking for a daddy...

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now