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"Guys, get up" Courtney came into Dylan's and Corey's room to wake them up for school. "It's time to get up" she added in turning on the lights.

"I'm already dressed" Dylan stated lifting up his covers to show her. "I've been up before all of you" he let her know jumping down off of his bed and onto the floor before walking over to his pc to play his Xbox.

"Great" The blonde quipped. "But what about Corey?" She asked her brother pointing over to the second eldest girl that was still sleeping like a baby.

"Oh she's out cold" Dylan replied. "Good luck waking her though" he lastly said placing his headset on his head before turning to play his game.

Sighing to herself Courtney trailed over to her little sisters bed in attempt to wake her again.

"Cor, wake up" Courtney nudged the curly haired girls arm. "We all have to be to school at the same time now" she reminded the girl.

Over the weeks Rosewood Day Elementary School experienced some flooding. Because of the flooding that happened on the first and second floor of the school the entire building started to grow black mold making it unsafe for both the students and staff to be there. Since the students had nowhere to go and since it was a last minute decision for the school district to make they sent the younger students over to the high school. Now every morning Corey, Dylan, Lily And Grace has to wake up along with Courtney and be out of the house before 7:50.

It was only the first day since the schools combining and the siblings were already having issues.

"Seriously Corey I need to to wake...GASP" The older blonde gasped after Corey using her foot to kick her in the face with some force.

"Leave me alone" Corey murmured into her pillow.

"That's it" Courtney huffed out wiping the blood from under her nose. "WAKE UP!" She yelled yanking her little sisters leg pulling her down off of the bed.

"Ouchhh" Corey cried after hitting the side of her face on the metal stair railing separating hers and Dylan's beds.

"WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" She screamed through her teeth running and tackling Courtney to the floor

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"WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" She screamed through her teeth running and tackling Courtney to the floor.

"Corey, get off of me" Courtney spoke calmly until the younger girl smacked her across her face. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" She shouted back shoving Corey making her fall back into the sliding closet door.

"YOU GUYS, STOP!" Dylan tried to break it up but Corey continued to try and hit the older girl. "MOMS!" He called for help since both girls kept shoving and hitting him. "Ouch" he hissed feeling one of them accidentally punch him in the forehead. "MOMS!" He screamed again making Emily and Alison rush into the room to break the cat fight up.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now