Sweet Pea [3]

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Title: Archie

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'Archie Wants To Join The Serpents.'

Sweet Pea would be lying if he said he didn't break into loud laughter when he heard the news.

Archie was a traitor to all the Serpents. No Serpent wanted him to join, no Serpent except Jughead.

"This is bullshit. How can he expect us to be okay with this?" Sweet Pea ran his hand through his hair frustrated.

Sweet Pea was sitting at the Whyte Wyrm with Fangs and a few other young Serpents.

"Just think about the gauntlet" Fangs said with a shrug. Sweet Pea's eyes went wide and he grinned. "Dude, I need to deliver that final punch."

Sweet Pea saw Jughead talking to Toni behind the counter. "Jones!" He made his way over to his friends.

"Why are you smiling? You never smile" Toni pointed out. "Sup, Topaz, I wanted to talk to Jones." Toni looked confused. Sweet Pea made it clear multiple times he didn't like Jughead, so why did he want to speak to him?

"What do I owe the pleasure?" Jughead asked.

"The gauntlet for Andrews. I want the final punch" he said. Jughead rolled his eyes. "I'm delivering the final punch, nice try though."

Sweet Pea was about to speak when she walked by, the girl with H/C Hair and the most beautiful E/C eyes.

"Hey guys" she greeted. "Hi girl. You having fun?" Toni asked. Jughead's eyes flickered to Sweet Pea who appeared to be nervous as the two girls spoke.

"Sweet Pea here was just asking about Archie's gauntlet, he believes he should be the one to deliver the final hit" Jughead said.

Y/N smiled as she looked up at Sweet Pea. "Well he is one of the strongest Serpents, if not the strongest. He's one of the toughest too."

Sweet Pea gulped as he looked at her. "Your statement is logical, though I have a few things to decide before I choose" Jughead told her.

"Whoever you pick will be the right choice. But personally, I'd choose Sweet Pea" Y/N replied before she walked off.

Sweet Pea's eyes followed her as she moved further away from them, not hearing Jughead speaking to him.

"Sweet Pea" Jughead snapped causing the tall boy to look at him. "What?" "You want to deliver the final punch to Archie, right?" Jughead questioned. "Yeah, I do. What's your point?"

"You can deliver the final hit, IF, you tell Y/N your true feelings." Sweet Pea's eyes went wide. "Why?" "I'm sick of you staring at her like a lovesick puppy, it's disgusting. If you tell her, then I will grant your wish" Jughead said bowing sarcastically.

Sweet Pea bit the inside of his cheek. He wanted to deliver the final hit, but to tell Y/N his true feelings, he was scared.

"I'm waiting . . ." Jughead said. Sweet Pea sighed. "I'll do it." 

* * * *

Two days later, everyone was at the Whyte Wyrm. Archie was now officially a Serpent, Sweet Pea delivered the final punch, much to his joy. Though he had something else to do. He had to tell Y/N his feelings.

Sweet Pea was sitting by the pool table, watching as Y/N congratulated Archie. Jealousy filled his body as he saw a laugh escape her mouth.

"Fuck this" he grumbled as he went over to them.

"Andrews, Y/N" he greeted. "Hey Sweets" Y/N greeted with a smile on her face. "I'll leave you alone" Archie said knowing what was going to occur.

Y/N smiled at Sweet Pea. "You okay?" Sweet Pea gulped. "I- I love you" he blurted out.

The smile on Y/N's face disappeared, replaced with a look of shock. "You- you what?" "I love you Y/N, I have for a while and- and-" he was cut of by a pair of lips pressing against his.

"I love you too, you handsome giant" Y/N whispered before kissing him again. 

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