Choni [2]

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Title: Girl Power

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I stood in the middle of the room, listening to an argument between Jughead and Sweet Pea. 

We knew where Malachi was hiding and we could get him, though the disagreement was how would we get him and when.

I rolled my eyes at the two boys before looking towards Cheryl and Toni.

The two girls approached me. "You have a plan" Toni stated. She knew me, she knew me better than anyone. She knew I was extremely clever, I could easily overpower Jughead and become leader of the Serpents. I had everything required to be the perfect leader. But I had respect, I wouldn't disobey, or challenge Jughead unless I had no other option.

"Follow me." 

We slipped away from the arguing boys. They wouldn't care that we left, they didn't even notice us leave.

"What's the plan?" Toni asked as we entered my small house. I lived on the border between the northside and Southside of town. My mother was from the northside, my father the southside. 

I put on a black revealing outfit, one that would attract any and everyone's attention. I had a plan, I needed back-up, just in case something went wrong.

The two girls looked at me with a smirk as they took in my outfit. "Cheryl, I have a bow and arrows set under my bed. No it's not a toy, yes it's real, it was a gift from my mother" I told her.

Cheryl grabbed the bow, while Toni grabbed one of my many pocket knifes. Better to be safe than sorry.

We walked towards the hideout. Cheryl and Toni went to the trees, hiding, though they could see me. 

I noticed the boy leaving the house. He smirked when he saw me. He was two years older than me and often tried to flirt with me, failing each time.

"Well if it isn't my favourite Serpent. What brings you to my house?" He asked the smirk not leaving his lips. "I want to take you up on your offer." I stepped closer to him. "I want you to show me a good time." I moved my lips to his ear. "I want you to feel..."

I never finished my sentence, it annoyed him when I done that, it always did. "Feel what, sweetheart?"

My arms went around his neck slowly, as if I was trying to close the distance between us. I move my lips next to his, he could feel my breath. I used my hand and pressed down on his pressure point, causing him to become unconscious. 


I dragged him over to Cheryl and Toni, both girls looked impressed with me. It wasn't my first time seducing someone for information.

We walked into the building where the other Serpents were talking. Once they saw it was us, their eyes darted towards the unconscious Malachi in our arms.

"Never leave a boy to do a woman's job" Cheryl said with a smile.

"And that my fellow Serpents, is what you call a true leader" Sweet Pea spoke loudly. He was proud of his friend, or it could be the fact he believed Jughead wasn't fit to be their leader, especially  when there was someone much better suited for the job.

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