🟣 R1: Cheryl Blossom 🟣

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Row One: The Winner By A Lot Was Cheryl.

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Y/N L/N, when anyone saw the girl, they knew one of the Blossom twins would be with her. The girl wasn't the average girl. She wasn't a cheerleader like her best friend, she was a Bulldog.

Yes, Y/N was the only girl on the football team. Jason managed to convince the Coach to allow the girl to join, it was one of the best things to happen to the team.

The death of Jason took a toll on all, though none as much as Cheryl. The girl changed, yet Y/n stood by the girl, even through her crisis. Cheryl had never been more grateful, not that she said anything to her best friend, she didn't need to.

Y/n felt as lost as Cheryl, Jason was her best friend, almost as much as Cheryl was. She didn't need anyone to support her, she was too busy helping Cheryl to think about her own feelings.

A laugh escaped Y/n mouth as she laughed at one of Reggie's stupid jokes. The boy still tried it on with her, despite her not being interested. Luckily he never forced himself on her, he knew the girl would kill him.

Cheryl stomped onto the pitch, tears falling down her face. "I'll be back," Y/n mumbled as she followed the girl. She knew the girl went on the pitch to catch her attention, Cheryl knew she would follow her.

When they stopped, Cheryl turned to the girl, her lip trembling. "What happened?" Y/n asked. "She took my vixens from me! She stole them!" Cheryl raged.

Y/n frowned, though her eyes widened as she realised what Cheryl was saying. Veronica Lodge, the school's bully. She was the worst kind of bully, she didn't even realise what she was doing. She had hurt so many people, yet still acted like the victim.

Cheryl's year had been terrible and then some rich mobster's daughter thought she could take away the girl's one source of happiness.

Y/n stormed away from her best friend, straight to the gym, where the Vixens were practicing. Betty's eyes widened as she realised who had entered. She tried to get Veronica's attention, though the girl was too busy boasting about her 'victory'.

"Oi! Lodge!"

Veronica turned around, only to be pinned against the wall. A loud gasp escaped the girl's mouth as Y/n put her arm over the girl's neck. "How dare you take away the Vixen's from Cheryl?! Who the fuck do you think you are?! You come here, act all innocent, yet you're evil, just like your monster of a father. You don't deserve to live in this town. You don't deserve the air you breathe!"

Y/n pulled Veronica away from the wall, only to punch her. The girl fell to the ground with a loud bang. Y/n smirked, leaving the unconscious girl. She was going to get her revenge and she did, she ruined the girl.

It only took one week for Cheryl to have the Vixen's once more. Of course the adventures at Archie's house helped slightly.

Y/n had told everyone that Veronica had slept with Archie, Valerie's boyfriend.

Yes, Veronica had hurt Cheryl first, resulting in Reggie having to hold the girl back. But the news Y/n delivered ruined many people's opinion of the girl. Valerie, Josie and Melody were furious. Betty was furious. Archie was furious that the girl had found out, believing Veronica was telling everyone.

Y/n - 2

Veronica - 0

When the Serpents arrived at Riverdale High, Cheryl and Y/n formed a strong bond with Toni Topaz, a girl who helped Y/n realise the truth. She was in love with Cheryl.

Of course when Y/n started freaking out, Toni laughed. She thought the girl was aware of her feelings. She was wrong.

After a few weeks, Cheryl had disappeared, forcing Toni and Y/n to investigate. Betty and Kevin offered to help, wanting Y/n to be happy once more. Betty was apparently one of the many people who knew Y/n was in love with Cheryl. Kevin knew, because, in his words, his Gaydar told him.

Betty discovered that Cheryl had been taken to the Sister Of Quiet Mercy. They were going to conversion therapy. Penelope discovered the girl was gay.

They broke into the building with one mission. Save Cheryl.

Toni and Kevin worked together, while Betty stayed with Y/n. It was an odd combination, though they worked well together, they had found Cheryl.


"Y/N?" Cheryl rushed towards the girl. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to save you, baby," Y/n told the girl, before kissing her lips, in front of the whole room. They all cheered, before the alarm went off.

"We need to leave." Y/n dragged Cheryl out of the room. Cheryl was confused at the sight of her cousin, though said nothing. They met up with Toni and Kevin, before escaping the crazy nuns.

They got in the getaway van, one driven by Reggie Mantle.

Y/n took Cheryl back to her house, refusing to let the girl back to her evil mother. The redhead rested her head on Y/n shoulder, the two girls sitting in total silence.

"Thank you, for saving me," Cheryl whispered.

Y/n smiled down at the girl, knowing she would do anything for her. She would climb the highest mountain, swim the longest ocean, fight off any monsters, including crazed nuns.

"I would do anything for you, Cher. You do anything for the people you love."

Cheryl looked up at the girl, smiling at the girl she loved. "I love you, so much." "I love you too, Cher, I love you so fucking much."

It was at that moment, Y/n kissed her, a gentle kiss on the lips. She would protect her love, her soulmate from any and everyone.

Cheryl Blossom deserved the world and Y/n L/n was going to give it to her.

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