🟣 R6: Cheryl Blossom 🟣

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Row 6: The fiery and fierce Cheryl Bombshell

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Once upon a time. . .


Fairy tales don't exist. If you believe so, you're stupid, plain and simple.

My name is Y/n L/n and I am proof that if you want something, you can't wait for a handsome prince to save you, you gotta save yourself.

I learned how to fight from a young age. I was also taught Parkour, Archery and how to shoot, just in case.

My family were filthy rich, which meant we had many enemies. My father said that's why we had to move to the small town of Riverdale. I'm still convinced he killed somebody and needed to leave, but whatever.

I huffed as I stared at my small room. It didn't even have it's own bathroom! Was I supposed to share a bathroom with other people? No way!

My father entered the room, smiling slightly. You know that smile parents do when they're trying to convince you everything is going to be okay, when you know it's not? Yeah, that smile.

"You start school tomorrow."

Oh school, how I was looking forward to it.

I surprisingly fell asleep rather quickly. My father had managed to get me the same mattress design as I was used to. The mattress was only $1,500, so he must have got a discount.

When I woke up, I made sure I was ready for the hellhole that would be school. I had nothing but fruit for breakfast, I had to make sure I was healthy.

I entered the old, horrid building, my face scrunching up in disgust. "A private school would be much more suitable," I mumbled to myself. "I couldn't agree more," a feminine voice spoke. I turned to the source of the sound and I was sure my heart stopped beating.

The girl was stunning, from her fiery hair, to her plump red lips. They looked so kissable.

No! I couldn't get distracted, not by another girl, not on my first day.

"Cheryl Blossom, also known as Cheryl Bombshell or the Queen Bee of the dive," the girl told me. I couldn't stop the smirk from appearing on my face, nor could I stop the words from coming out of my mouth. "That's a name I can tolerate."

I became extraordinarily close to Cheryl after that incident. She informed me she had recently gone through a messy break up with her ex girlfriend. I told her I was sure my father had a dodgy business, meaning we had to leave our old town.

It was rare for me to be without Cheryl and the truth was, I slowly began to gain feelings for her, strong feelings. 

There was only one problem. I could never be as good looking as her ex girlfriend. While I hated what Toni did to her, I couldn't deny she was beautiful.

Cheryl was sitting on my bed, doing my make up. I wasn't the biggest fan of the stuff, but it made the girl happy, that was all I wanted.

God, I sound like a love sick puppy.

Just then, there was a loud bang, as if a door was broken down. "We know you're here! Give us the money and you'll live!"

I turned to Cheryl, who looked terrified. This was it, this was why we moved here. Could this be why I was forced to keep a gun under my bed?

Yes, my father made sure I had weapons hidden away, for 'safety'. 

I grabbed the gun, pushing Cheryl behind the bed, before crouching down myself. "What are you doing?" she whispered, her eyes wide. "Protecting us," I mumbled, making sure we were hidden enough.

When the bedroom door opened with a loud bang, I heard mumbling, something along the lines of, "He's not in here." The door slammed shut again.

Cheryl had tears running down her face, while I text my dad, informing him that someone had broken into the house.

"I'm scared," she whispered. "We'll be okay." I smiled at her, knowing I would truly keep to my promise. "I promise I'll protect you."

Only ten minutes later, we heard shooting. Now it was my turn to be scared. Was my father here? Did he get hurt? Was he the one injured?

"Numbers?" A familiar voice said. "19, 1, 6, 5" I replied. "You're safe, Y/n, you can come out," my father told me. I got up from the bed, causing Cheryl to gasp. I pulled her to her feet, causing my Dad's eyes to widen.

"I'm sorry, for the trauma I've caused you both," he said. I rushed over to him, wrapping my arms around the man. "I'm so glad you're okay." He placed a kiss on my head, before smiling at Cheryl. "And who's this?"

I looked at the girl, smiling slightly. "This is Cheryl-" "Hi, I'm Cheryl Blossom, I'm your daughter's girlfriend," Cheryl told my father. He grinned viciously. He knew I was gay, so he wasn't bothered, he was more happy, considering I may have mentioned Cheryl a few dozen times.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." He looked between us, the grin not fading. "I have business to attend to."

He left and that was when I turned to Cheryl. I was about to say something, only for her lips to attach to mine. I wasn't going to push the girl away, not after wanting her for so long. I wasn't surprised that her lipstick tasted of cherries, nor was I shocked that our lips seemed to move together perfectly.

When we finally parted, she smiled at me, wiping a bit of lipstick from my bottom lip. "Will you be mine, Y/n?" she asked. I smirked, before letting out a chuckle. "Would kind of be hard to say no, considering you already told my father."

We both let out a laugh, before our lips seemed to be attached once more.

We wouldn't often speak of the events that led us to become a couple. Just how perfect we found the other.

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19 (S) 1 (A) 6 (F) 5 (E)

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