Archie Andrews [1]

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Title: Not Good Enough

Title: Not Good Enough

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She was beautiful, she was absolutely stunning. She could have any boy in school, she could have any guy on the planet, yet she chooses my boyfriend.

I wish I was imagining the sparkle in his eyes as he stared at her, but I wasn't, he liked her.

My boyfriend recently seemed to forget I was here. I was sitting there watching as she flirted with him. I couldn't hear what they were saying but the smile on his face was enough to know he liked her.

"Hey Y/N" Sweet Pea greeted as he approached me with Fangs by his side. That's right, I'm friends with the serpents. Archie was thrilled when he discovered I grew close to the people he used to hate. He made it clear he didn't like me being around Sweet Pea, just like how I made it clear I wasn't a fan of her.

"You look thrilled. The Rich Snob talking to Andrews again?" Sweet Pea asked. "They're always talking. It's like I'm invisible" I mumbled. "Then he's a dick, simple" he replied.

"I still think you can do way better. I'm single" Fangs joked as he elbowed my side playfully. "Oh Fangs, you complete me" I spoke overdramatically. The two boys burst out laughing.

We heard a chuckle escape someone's mouth, a familiar chuckle. Veronica was holding Archie's hand, she pressed her lips against his cheek.

"I can't do this anymore" I mumbled as I left the room.

Tears filled my eyes. I wasn't good enough for him. Archie needed someone like Veronica, someone rich, beautiful, someone he would be proud to have by his side.

Why was I not good enough?

Why wasn't I pretty like Veronica?

The rest of the day was a blur. I stayed away from everyone, going to the library during lunch.

I stood outside school waiting for a certain someone. I was going to do something that would help me in the long run, despite the pain it would cause me in the present, the future needed me to do it.

I wasn't surprised when Archie exited the building with Veronica, it was the final push I needed.

"Archie." Both Archie and Veronica stopped as they saw me. "Hey babe" Archie greeted. He went to kiss me, but I turned my head. "What's wrong?" "I'm breaking up with you" I told him.

He looked at me shocked. "What? Why?" "It isn't working out. Things have been bad for weeks. I refuse to stay in a relationship like this." I struggled to stay strong, though luckily the words left my mouth with ease.

"I don't understand" he said. "It's what's best, this way everyone is happy" I replied glancing to Veronica before I turned to leave. 

Archie P.O.V

I was shocked as I watched Y/N leave. I didn't understand what I did wrong. Everything seemed to be fine. "You'll be okay Archiekins" Veronica told me.

The next day Y/N wasn't in school. I tried calling her but she didn't answer. She didn't reply to any of my text messages.

I sat with Betty and Veronica in the student lounge. "I just don't understand where I went wrong" I told the girls. "Maybe she was cheating on you. I mean she's always with them serpents, we all know Fangs has a reputation and Sweet Pea hasn't shown any interest in anyone, maybe that's because he's sleeping with Y/N" Veronica replied with a shrug.

I felt a rage build up inside me. What Veronica said made perfect sense. Sweet Pea hated me, that was a fact, sleeping with my girlfriend would destroy me and he knew that.

"Don't be ridiculous. Y/N loves Archie, she would never cheat on him" Betty said.

I stood up and left the student lounge. I was on a mission, a mission to find the bastard sleeping with my girlfriend. I saw Fangs and Sweet Pea talking to Valerie and approached them.

"You think it's okay for you to sleep with my girlfriend?" I snapped. Sweet Pea chuckled. "I didn't sleep with Y/N." "She isn't here, she's at your trailer isn't she?"

"She's with Josie, devastated that she broke up with you. Though I'm not surprised she did. You've been treating her like crap for weeks" Valerie told me. I was confused. She broke up with me, she broke my heart.

"Why would she be upset? I haven't done anything wrong." Sweet Pea burst out laughing. "Yeah right! Ignoring her every time you see the Lodge chick, letting her kiss your cheek, letting her hold your hand, letting her touch you up. Boy Andrews, I knew you were stupid, but this is ridiculous. You've been treating the Lodge girl better than your own girlfriend. You made her feel like she wasn't good enough, when the reality is, you're not good enough for her" Sweet Pea told me.

The words Sweet Pea spoke ran through my head. He was right. Veronica was acting inappropriate and I didn't even realise, but my girlfriend did. I was spending more time with her and less with my girlfriend. I needed to fix it.

Reader P.O.V

I sat on Josie's bed as she played with my hair. "How are you feeling?" I looked up at her with sad, glossy eyes. "I don't know what I did to deserve this. Why did he ignore my existence? Why was he always with her? What did I do wrong?"

I started crying. "Oh Honey, you don't deserve this." Josie rubbed my back as I cried.

Josie's doorbell rang causing her to sigh. "I have to get that, it's probably the pizza." I watched as she left the room.

Barely a minute passed before I heard foot steps. "Was it the pizza?" I looked up and saw Archie standing there with two pizzas. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'm so fricking sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" "I'm sorry that I've been mistreating you. I've been making you feel like you're not good enough, the truth is, you're too good for me. You're amazing, incredible, you put up with my friends without complaints, even when they're intentions aren't good. I don't appreciate you enough but that's going to change. I'm going to show you how incredible you are, every single day" he told me as tears filled both our eyes.

"Promise?" He took my hand and pressed a kiss on the back. "I promise."

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Honestly, I'm not a fan of Archie, so I'm surprised I wrote this. Also, I have a Reggie Mantle Story Up, It's Called Dangerous.

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