Fangs Fogarty [1]

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Title: Not Jealous

Title: Not Jealous

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"Jealousy is a dangerous, destructive thing" Sweet Pea said causing Fangs to roll his eyes. "Please, I never get jealous. I have no reason to get jealous. My girl is my girl, I know she won't run off with someone else."

"So what if a guy went up to her and started saying she was hot?" Sweet Pea asked curiously. Fangs shrugged. "I have eyes, I can see she's hot."

"Isn't there any guy in school you'd get jealous over?" Fangs shook his head. "Not a single one."

Sweet Pea wasn't convinced, though he wasn't going to tell his friend.

Y/N sat with Archie, Reggie and Moose. They were talking about a football game, something Y/N truly enjoyed.

"Dude, you're insane! How can you think the Egotistic Eagles are gonna beat us bulldogs!" Reggie questioned loudly. Y/N laughed. "Maybe because they're egos aren't big" she teased.

Reggie laughed as he put his arm over the back of her chair. "You know more than most girls do. It's pretty hot." "I've grown up around boys, kinda hard not to learn a thing or two" she replied.

A sigh escaped Y/N's mouth. "I have to go. I'm supposed to meet Fangs." "Are you even dating? I've never seen you two make out" Reggie bluntly said. "When we make out, things get hot real quick." She winked before she left.

"How does a serpent get a girl like that?" Reggie muttered as he watched Y/N walk off. "She's a serpent too" Archie reminded him. "I'd love to show her a thing or two about doggy style." Reggie licked his lips at the thought.

* * * *

Y/N waited in the student lounge for Fangs, though he seemed to be taking longer than usual. A frown was on her face as he walked in with Valerie by his side. "Ah, hi?" Fangs grinned at his girlfriend. "Hey, you know Valerie, right?"

Valerie smiled falsely at the girl. "Hi, Y/N right?" "Yeah, that's me, Fangs girlfriend" Y/N said with a fake smile.

The pussycat turned to Fangs. "Well it was great to see you. We should do it again some time." Fangs nodded his head with a grin. "It really helped, thank you."

Valerie smiled as she left the student lounge. Y/N felt a surge of jealousy soar through her. Why were they meeting secretly? Why did it hurt?

"You okay babe?" Fangs asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" she mumbled.

* * * *

Y/N sat in the student lounge waiting for Fangs. Recently he forgot about her, while he was with Valerie instead, even cancelling dates. It hurt her to say, but she was afraid, afraid he was cheating on her.

Sweet Pea entered the room to see Y/N with her head in her hands. "Y/N?" She looked up at her friend with a false smile. "Hi Sweet Pea."

He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her. "It's Fangs, right?" She nodded her head before placing it on his chest. "He's not cheating on you" he mumbled. "Well it feels like it. He cancelled a date Sweets. He cancelled on me."

Sweet Pea was furious, he couldn't believe Fangs made Y/N feel this way. "He's just going through some shit" he assured her. "Then he should talk to me, I'm his girlfriend, not her."

"There's nothing I can say to make you feel better, is there?" he asked. She shook her head before she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Fangs entered the room just as Sweet Pea placed a kiss on Y/N's head. He felt a strange feeling build up inside him. Was he jealous? Of Sweet Pea?

No of course not, he was NOT jealous, especially of Sweet Pea.

* * * *

The Serpents were sitting at the Whyte Wyrm. Sweet Pea was playing Pool with Y/N while Fangs and Toni watched. Fangs wasn't thrilled as he saw the smiles on their faces.

"They seem to be getting close" Fangs said to Toni. "I guess." "I don't like it" he mumbled. Toni smirked at her friend. "Are you jealous?" He scoffed. "I have nothing to be jealous over."

They watched as Y/N bumped hips with Sweet Pea. "Nothing to be jealous over" he repeated.

When Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around Y/N shoulder's Fangs stood up. "Back away dude" he demanded. Sweet Pea moved his arm and looked at his friend. "What's wrong?" "Stay away from my girl" Fangs demanded.

Y/N scoffed. "Nice to see the only time you remember me is when your jealous." Fangs looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?"

"You've spent nearly every minute with Valerie, you've even cancelled dates. Sweet Pea's been trying to convince me you actually care. You only care when you think someone else is flirting with me" she said.

"Baby, it's not like that. Valerie, she's been helping me, she was helping me plan a date better than any other" he tried to explain causing Y/N to scoff. "I don't care about fancy dates, I just want you!"

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry" he said pulling her close to him. "You're kinda hot when you're jealous" she mumbled. "I was not jealous."

* * * *

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