Swangs [1]

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Title: Match Maker

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The Whyte Wyrm was filled with people, laughing, drinking, having fun as per usual.

The only thing that wasn't usual, Sweet Pea wasn't playing Pool. He was sitting at the bar, by himself. He was deep in thought.

Y/n watched him, he seemed in distress. "What's got your pretty head thinking so hard" she asked. "Nothing, don't worry" he lied. She rolled her eyes. "Sweet Pea, don't take this the wrong way, but you can't lie for shit."

Sweet Pea scoffed before looking at her. "What do you know about lying?" "I know you're lying about something" she countered.

Before Sweet Pea could tell her he was fine Fangs went over to them. "Dude, there's a new girl, she's hot as hell. I'm gonna take her back to mine" he informed them. "Whatever dude, just don't break anything" Sweet Pea replied.

Sweet Pea stared at Fangs as he walked off.

"How come I've never seen you with anyone" Y/n asked curiously. "I'm only interested in one person, they seem too stupid to realise how I feel" he mumbled.

Y/n smiled. "Aw Sweets, I love you too." "Not you" he replied rolling his eyes.

The two watched as Fangs left the pub, a girl holding his hand.

Y/n's eyes went wide in realisation. She realised the person Sweet Pea liked, how could she be so stupid!

"Don't worry Sweets, everything will be okay" she assured him.

She was always a shipper of 'Swangs', they were her dream couple. She was going to make her dream a reality.

* * * *

Y/n was at school, waiting for Sweet Pea and Fangs to arrive. She had an idea, or a better word for it would be a query, she wanted to see if Fangs would get jealous.

Once she saw Sweet Pea and Fangs enter she smiled. "Sweets!" she called out as she ran over and hugged the tall boy.

"What's up with you" he asked with a chuckle. "Nothing, I just missed my favourite man" she spoke teasingly. "What about me" Fangs asked. "I said man, not boy" she snapped.

Fangs was shocked, as was Sweet Pea. Y/n rarely snapped at anyone.

"Sweet Pea, can you help me with my class" she asked. "What class?" "Chemistry" she replied. "I'm not good with chemistry" he confessed. "I can see, considering you haven't done anything about the chemistry between us" she whispered seductively.

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