Ethel Muggs [1]

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Title: G & G

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It wasn't fair. Why was Ethel ignoring me? She was my best friend. We were practically friends while in our mother's stomachs. 

Growing up, my parents were best friend with Ethel's and it transferred to us. We helped her family when they lost all their money, yet she repays me by ignoring my existence.

When the summer was over and Archie's trial was done, I discovered why Ethel was ignoring me. She had a boyfriend. Not only did she have a boyfriend, but she was involved with the same thing that killed Dilton. G & G.

 The only reason I know about G & G is because I heard Betty and Jughead talk to Ethel. It was dangerous, I needed to save her. And I would. Best Friends always help each other.

I followed Ethel through the woods, something I never thought I would do. It was dark and my fear of darkness made me wish I stayed back, but I couldn't. I wasn't going to allow Ethel to get hurt, or worse, die.

Once I was close to her, I hit her over the head, knocking her unconscious. I hated what I did, but I had no choice. I dragged her across the forest, glad nobody was around to see what I was doing.

When I reached the edge of the forest, my father was there with the truck. He drove us back to our house, where he tied Ethel to a chair in the basement. I text her parents, informing them I had her safe and immobilised.

It was twenty minutes later when she gained consciousness. She looked around the room, searching for something, I had no idea what. When her eyes met mine, a hard glare was on her face. "Why am I here?"

"I'm protect-"

"I don't need protecting!" she yelled. "I'm suppose to be with Ben! We were going to ascend!"

"I'm not letting you leave. It's not safe" I told her.

She screamed as she tried to break out of the rope that tied her, but they were too tight. 

"Please" she begged, as tears fell down her face. "Let me go."

I hated when she cried, but I couldn't let her go. I cared too much for her. I'd keep her here with me for however long it took to make her sane again.

24 hours had passed. Ethel constantly glared at me, occasionally begging for her release. I kept replaying the same words in my head. 'If I let her go, she'll die.' It was the only thing stopping me from releasing her.

48 Hours had passed. Ethel was still glaring, she tried to escape when she was taken to the bathroom, but I stopped her. She wanted to be out in the 'real world', that was what she called G & G.

It was 7 days when she finally started showing traits of her true personality. She was being somewhat nice, though kept asking why she was tied up.

It was 14 days when she was truly herself again. She began to cry, catching my attention. "What have I done?!"

I rushed over to her, kneeling in front of her, yet not too close so she could escape. "Ethel?" "I'm sorry!" she cried. "I didn't want to get caught up in it. Ben, he- he said I could be his girlfriend, he said I could be the princess, his princess!"

Tears filled my eyes as I realised what had made her join the game. She wanted to feel loved by someone, romantically loved. We weren't popular girls, boys never showed us any interest, but Ben was willing to do that, all for G & G.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry I pushed you away" she whispered as tears continued to fall down her face. "It's okay, I-I understand" I replied, my hand gently caressing her cheek.

I knew she would have to adjust to life without G & G, but I would be by her side, helping her every step along the way.

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