I Love Her (3/4)

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A/N: There Will Be Multiple Changes Of P.O.V

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First Person P.O.V

Pregnancy is a bitch. I'm glad only two people are aware of my condition, apart from my parents, who agreed it was best to keep it a secret.

I sat in the cafeteria with Toni, Cheryl, Sweet Pea, Fangs and of course Betty. Betty had been by my side constantly, rarely leaving me alone. I was glad Jughead was so understanding, that he wasn't the jealous.

"What are your plans for the weekend? Going for a romantic ride?" Fangs teased Toni. "Oh Fogarty, every ride we share is romantic" Cheryl replied.

While they continue speaking, I didn't listen to a word they said. I felt light headed as if the world around me was spinning. A wave of nausea rushed through me, causing me to frown.

I felt someone grab my hand under the table. I look to see it was Betty, she must be able to tell something was wrong.

Another wave of nausea rushed through me and I knew I was going to be sick.

"I have to go."

Third Person P.O.V

Everyone watched as Y/n ran out of the cafeteria. Toni was worried, Y/n was one of her best friends and she was acting strange.

"I'm going to check on her."

"No" Betty snapped causing everyone's eyes to widen. The blonde quickly realised her mistake. "I-I mean I will."

When Betty was out of sight Toni turned to the other three. "Are they acting strange? Or is it just me?" "There's no doubt about it TT, they've been strange for years, but they've definitely become more strange, dare I say suspicious" Cheryl replied.

"Do you think they're having an affair?" Fangs asked causing Sweet Pea to scoff. "Yeah right. Y/n is loyal, she wouldn't allow Betty to cheat on Jones."

"Oh please Sweetie Pie, just because she's your friend doesn't mean you can deny the inevitable. Betty and Y/n are having an affair" Cheryl said.

"There's only one way to find out" Fangs said causing Cheryl to hum. "He's right. We have to follow them."

Y/n P.O.V

Betty wanted to treat me to Pop's, I wasn't going to complain. I'm still craving Pancakes and chocolate sauce, it's an amazing combination. Betty was helping me settle my craving. I love that girl.

We sat in the Diner in a booth, Jughead sat opposite us, while I sat on the outside, just in case I had to go to the toilet.

Pop placed our food in front of us. "I hope you enjoy it."

I sighed dreamily as I looked at the food. My eyes darted over to Betty's onion rings and I frowned. They looked so good. Betty smiled as she pushed her plate towards me, she noticed my longing look. "Help yourself." "God Betty, you're fricking incredible."

It was silent as we ate.

"Thank you, both of you, for everything you're doing. I really appreciate it" I told the couple. "It's fine, we love you, Y/n" Betty said. "Unfortunately" Jughead muttered with a small smirk.

I couldn't help but laugh. I honestly don't know what I'd do without the two of them, they had been my rock.

My eyes closed as I felt a wave of nausea. "Betty, I need you."

Third Person P.O.V

Cheryl, Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea watched from a few booths down. They watched as Betty held Y/n's hand as they walked towards the bathroom.

"Do you still think I'm wrong now?" Cheryl asked Sweet Pea, who scoffed. "There's a perfectly logical explanation." "Is that so. And what is this logical explanation?" Cheryl questioned.

Toni stood up. "I'm not going to sit here and listen to this, I'm going to go and find out what's happening."

Cheryl smirked as she stood up next to her girlfriend. She turned to the boys. "Are you coming or not?" Fangs stood up, as did Sweet Pea, though he just wanted to laugh in everyone's face when they were wrong.

They went towards the bathroom and Cheryl grinned. "Time to expose their affair."

Cheryl pushed open the door and gasped. Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea rushed forward to see what caused her reaction. They were shocked as they saw Y/n with her head over the toilet.

"What are you doing here?" Betty asked.

"Blossom thought you were having an affair" Fangs admitted. "Why would we have an affair? I love Jughead" Betty replied.

"Instead we find Y/n throwing up in the toilet. She's obviously pregnant" Cheryl said with a hint of sarcasm.

Y/n looked up at Cheryl with wide eyes before bursting into tears. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Oh my God, you are pregnant" Cheryl gasped out.

Sweet Pea looked at Y/n wondering who could be the father. That was when he realised what they did together, he had sex with her.

A deep breath escaped his mouth as he struggled to maintain his breathing. Fangs looked at his friend concerned. "You okay bro?"


Sweet Pea was unable to speak, he was barely able to breathe.

After another minute Sweet Pea could control his breathing. He turned to Cheryl, Fangs and Toni.

"Leave, now."

They looked at him and nodded their heads before leaving them. They knew the two were close, he probably wanted to find out the father so he could beat him up.

Sweet Pea went over to Betty and Y/N. He crouched down on the floor. "Answer me this honestly. Am I the father?" he asked.

Y/n's eyes filled with tears as she nodded her head. "Yes, you are."

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There's only one part left, it will be out next week.

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