Veronica Lodge [3]

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Title: Makeover

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The moment Veronica met Y/N she felt an instant connection. She found the H/C girl to be extremely stunning and after getting to know her, she knew the girl was loyal beyond fault. She would do anything for those around her.

Veronica watched as Y/N grinned at Reggie. The two had ended their arrangement and decided to go back to just being friends. Of course the reasoning was Reggie's feelings had grown strong, whilst Y/N only saw him of as friend.

Y/N skipped over to Veronica and sat next to the girl. "I missed you, my future girlfriend."

Almost every day Y/N would call Veronica her future girlfriend. She loved the words 'future girlfriend' because she would be with Y/N in a heartbeat. Unfortunately Y/N didn't date.

"Did you miss me today?" Y/N batted her eyelashes at the girl. "Oh N/N, I miss you every second I'm away from you." While Veronica spoke in a joking tone her words were true. She always missed Y/N when they weren't together, Y/N made her happy in a way no one else ever had. She made her feel high, without the usage of drugs.

"Well I missed you, I always miss you. You keep me entertained, plus your gorgeous, that's always a bonus.
Y/N would openly compliment Veronica, she didn't care what others thought, she found the Lodge girl to be a masterpiece.

"You really are beautiful. And your eyebrows are always on point, I'm totally jealous" Y/N said causing Veronica to laugh. "Thanks, you should stay at mine and I can do yours."


Veronica's eyes widened. She didn't expect Y/N to agree, but she wasn't going to complain.

"Okay, you can come around after school." "I can't wait to see you, Miss Lodge." Y/N winked at her before walking off.

A sigh escaped Veronica's mouth. "What have I done?"

The school day was over, Veronica was at home, nervously waiting for Y/N to arrive. She had laid out luxury chocolate, in case the girl was hungry.

When the doorbell rang she gulped. She knew it was Y/N, the one she desperately wanted to see.

"Knock, Knock" Y/N said while she entered the house. "N/N" Veronica greeted with a smile. "I love your house Baby girl, it's almost as beautiful as you."

A small blush appeared on Veronica's face. "Are you ready for a makeover?" "If it's done by you, then definitely" Y/N replied with a grin.

They sat down on the sofa next to each other. "Right, let's start with the basics."

Veronica held a lip gloss in her hand, ready to apply it to the girl next to her, instead Y/N grabbed her hand. "Is something wrong? Is it the colour?" The Lodge girl asked.

"I want to give you a makeover. Now close your eyes and let me apply the lip gloss."

Veronica closed her eyes and felt Y/N let go of her hand. "Put your lips out." She listened to the Y/N, her lips out ready for the lip gloss. She was greeted with a pleasant surprise as Y/N's lips pressed against hers.

The Lodge girl didn't hesitate to kiss back. Y/N moved so she was sitting on Veronica's lap as their lips moulded together.

Y/N pulled away and smiled at Veronica. "How's that for lip gloss?" "Why did you do that?" Veronica asked curious and slightly concerned. She had feelings for the girl, she didn't want to end up like Reggie, her heart broken.

"I like you Ronnie, I like you a lot, that's why I ended my agreement with Reggie. He grew feelings for me, while I grew feelings for you" Y/N confessed. "I like you too" Veronica replied.

"Good, now can I kiss my girlfriend?" Y/N asked causing Veronica to smile. "I won't stop you."

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