Wrong Kind Of Love (Jordan Connor x OC) Pt 1

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A/N: I'm using Jinjara as his girlfriend.

OC: Anna (Character: Alexis)

The italics are acting

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It was strange to kiss someone who wasn't his girlfriend, even if it was for a T.V show. It was strange that he felt more when he kissed the girl who was his onscreen love interest, than he did when he kissed his actual girlfriend.

Once Anna was introduced to the Riverdale cast in Season 3, Jordan's confusion began. Anna was beautiful, her dark blonde hair, piercing blue eyes. She played Alexis, a troubled Southsider, one who wasn't a Serpent. She joined the Pretty Poisons and constantly clashed with Sweet Pea.

It was no surprise when the script writers decided to make the two have a relationship, especially after he got rejected by Josie.

Alexis walked towards Sweet Pea, who stood alone after Josie walked away.

"Aw, look at the little Serpent, he got rejected by a girl who clearly has standards." Sweet Pea scoffed, not even looking at the girl. "I'm convinced you're obsessed with me. You always seem to be nearby."

"Don't flatter yourself. You're merely an easy target, someone I enjoy to irritate ." She winked at him before walking away. Sweet Pea's eyes stayed on her as she purposely swayed her hips.

Scenes like that were easy to film. The later scenes became more difficult. The scenes from Big fun being the hardest to film.

Toni was singing dead girl walking, grabbing Alexis and Sweet Pea, pulling them to the stage. They started to strip, Alexis into her black and pink lace bra, Sweet Pea into his tight vest and boxers.

Toni walked away, saying she couldn't do it. Sweet Pea and Alexis stared at each other, their eyes scanning the other's body. "What the hell?" Alexis jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist, while her hands ran through his hair.

That was the first kiss shared between Alexis and Sweet Pea.

Jordan felt guilty. He loved his girlfriend, he truly did, but every time he saw her, the love seemed to change. He would always love her, but he wasn't in love with her anymore and it hurt him.

Little did he know, she felt the same.

Jordan was sitting next to Drew as they ran lines together. It was for a deleted scene, where Sweet Pea confesses he likes Alexis.

"Are you okay, dude?" Drew asked. He knew something was wrong with his friend, everyone knew something was wrong with the boy, they just didn't know what. "I don't know man, I just don't know" Jordan said, though his words made no sense to Drew.

"Jordan! Drew! It's time for your scene"

Sweet Pea and Fangs stood against the wall, watching Alexis talk to Toni, both girls smiling. "What's going on with you dude? You're staring and it's creepy" Fangs said. "It's complicated, it's fucked up. It doesn't make sense" Sweet Pea mumbled.

"How about you try telling me, you know, with actual words?"

Sweet Pea's eyes went to Alexis, who glanced at him before looking back at Toni. "I like her. I like her atlot. She's kinda incredible."

Jinjara had decided to surprise her boyfriend while he was filming. She was there for a reason, she knew what she had to do. She loved Jordan, he was a giant goofball, why wouldn't she love him? She knew the love she had for him shifted to more of a brotherly love.

Once the scene ended, Jordan went to his trailer and sighed. "That's no way to greet me." He jumped at the sound of his girlfriend's voice. "What are you doing here? I'm glad to see you, I-" "We need to talk."

That was when Jinjara told him the truth.

"I love you, but it's the Wrong Kind Of Love."

She left after that, leaving him alone in the trailer. Of course they'd remain friends, they still enjoyed each other's company, it just wasn't the same.

A knock on the door caught his attention. "Come in." "Are you okay?" Anna's voice asked. "Yeah." "You sure?"

"We broke up" he admitted.

Anna sat in front of him, taking his hands in her own. "You'll be okay, Jordy. It will hurt at first, but you'll be okay" she told him.

He looked in her eyes and knew he would be fine. He had her and after a few months, he'd tell her how he felt, how he loved her.

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A/n: This has been in my drafts for months.

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