🔥 Drive In (Sweet Pea x Oc)🔥

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This was taken from my story dangerous.

OC: Madison Carter 

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Madison stood outside her house waiting patiently for Veronica to arrive. Kevin was going to pick up the two girls and take them to the Drive-In.

A loud whistle made Madison grin. She knew who it was, it couldn't have been anyone else. "Wow Maddy! You look gorgeous" Veronica said as her eyes scanned the blonde's revealing outfit. "Thanks beautiful. I'm trying to be as hot as you, though that's impossible."

"Why are you dressed so nice? Trying to impress someone?" Veronica teased causing the blonde to laugh. "The Drive-In is the perfect time to tease people. I never miss an opportunity to cause a boy a hard problem."

The two girls started laughing, while Kevin parked in front of them. "Hello girls." "Hey Mini Keller" Madison greeted. "You both look beautiful" he told them. "We're hoping to get lucky" Veronica joked. "Yeah, with each other" Madison added causing the three to laugh.

They got in the truck and Kevin drove them to the Drive-In. Veronica offered to buy the first round of drinks and sweets, neither Kevin or Madison argued with her.

Madison got a red vine from the packet. "Have either of you notice how close our cute beanie boy and Barbie have become? Or is it just me?" Veronica shook her head. "No, I haven't?" "Me either" Kevin said.

"Maybe I just have a Maddy sense. They'll be a power couple, unstoppable, despite the bumps along the way" Madison said while chewing on a red vine.

After a few minutes the three teens moved from inside the truck to the hood.

"I can't believe he actually went along with Betty's choice" Kevin mumbled. Madison shrugged. "I'm not surprised. It just proves I speak the truth, Bughead is real." She put another red vine in her mouth.

"Hello Bratz" Cheryl greeted the three causing Madison to groan. "Oh joy, Satan herself is here. Tell me, oh mighty demon, why are we graced with your presence?" Cheryl rolled her eyes before sitting next to Veronica. "I'm here to see the film. Jason and I used to come here and watch them together, though usually they would play something somewhat decent."

The movie continued to play while Madison was humming. She wasn't enjoying the film, she'd prefer to be watching The Avengers, or even 2 Broke Girls, she had the boxset and was yet to see the final season.

Loud laughs and shouts escaped the Serpents, who stood at the back of the Drive-In. "They're so annoying" Kevin muttered, Veronica and Cheryl humming in agreement.

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