⭐️ 2 ⭐️ (Archie Andrews)

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I loved this idea. I hope you like this. I enjoyed writing it.


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There were many things Y/N liked, she liked horror movies, anything to do with cars/ bikes and sport.

There were also many things she hated, she hated anything pink, floral, anything that could be considered girly.

Though there was one thing she hated more than anything. Cheerleading.

But she was extremely good at gymnastics, something not many knew. One of the only people who knew was Miss Betty Cooper.

"Why don't you join the Vixens?" Betty asked. Y/N scoffed. "Yeah, why don't you become a goth? You can dye your hair black, I have some clothes you can borrow."

"Y/N, you'd be great" Betty told her. "It would be great if I did anything else" Y/N countered.

"Maybe one day you'll change your mind." "Then strap me up and send me to a mental asylum, because I've gone insane" Y/N replied.

Betty dropped the conversation and it appeared as if she had forgotten it.

Y/N was wrong. Betty did not forget.

She received a text message from Betty, asking her to meet her in the girls locker room. Y/N was confused, yet listened, she thought it would be important.

When she entered the locker room, it was empty.


No one replied. "Great, I'm walking into my death" Y/N mumbled as she walked in further.

"Good, you're here."

Y/N jumped at the sound of Cheryl's voice. She turned to see Cheryl standing next to Betty, Veronica and the rest of the Vixens.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

"If we wanted to give you a heart attack we would, but we don't so we didn't. We've heard from a little bird that you're good at gymnastics, we need that on the squad" Cheryl stated.

Y/N scoffed. "As amazing as that sounds, I'd rather be locked in a cage with a starved lion."

Cheryl rolled her eyes. "As unfortunate as that sounds, you don't have a choice. You're joining us, at least until you find a starved Lion."

A smirk appeared on Cheryl's face. "Now girls, it's time for the fun to begin. Get her."

The girls approached her. "Stay back." She took a few steps back. "Don't come any closer."

"You'll thank us later, Y/N, trust me" Betty said. "No, no I won't." Y/N shook her head viciously. "Please, no. I'm not like you." She looked around the room. "Help me! Someone help me!"

The Vixens pinned Y/N down as they put make up and the Vixen uniform on her.

When they moved away, they smirked. "Well girls, it appears we've created a masterpiece."

"I still hate it."

The Bulldogs match had just finished. Y/N hated to admit it and never would out loud, but she didn't hate being out on the field, cheering for the Bulldogs alongside her friends.

"So Y/N, how does it feel to be a Vixen?" Veronica asked. "I don't hate it-" Veronica giggled. "-That doesn't mean I liked it."

Betty went over to the girls. "You really look incredible Y/N." She looked over Y/N shoulder and grinned. "Archie!"

Archie approached the girls. "Look, we got Y/N to join the Vixens" Betty said. Archie's eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly as he looked at Y/N.

"You-you look, wow, it's just, wow" Archie stuttered. "I look horrible" Y/N mumbled. "No!" Archie coughed nervously before continuing. "No, you look good. It's just, you don't look like you. Not that you don't look beautiful, you always look beautiful. I mean I think you look beautiful."

A smiled appeared on Y/N's face. "Thank you Archie. I prefer my old look. This just isn't me." "I think you're beautiful either way" he told her.

Archie continued to smile at Y/N, one she returned.

Betty and Veronica looked between the two, both wearing smirks. They both believed the two would look great together.

Perhaps one day they'd be together.

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