Jughead Jones [4]

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Title: Half A Serpent

Unfortunately I am one of them people who believe characters should look like their siblings, so the reader, or 'Honey Bee' will be described as having black hair, like her brother. Honey Bee is only her nickname.

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Riverdale had been strangely quiet, at least quiet for Riverdale. Yes, the drama between the Southside and Northside wasn't as high, though it was still clear neither liked the other, which left one Jughead Jones in the middle.

Jughead Jones, the newest Serpent, a boy who lost his girlfriend following in his father's steps.

The boy didn't fit in anywhere, not on the Northside, not on the Southside. Many of the Serpents didn't trust him, though none said a word about it, he was the King's son.

It was a normal day in Riverdale, the sky was grey with nothing but the sound of laughter filling the halls of Riverdale High.

Jughead stood alone, watching as his former girlfriend stood beside his apparent best friend and his girlfriend. Archie and Jughead had always been close, though once he joined the Serpents, the friendship became strained. The Jones boy had never got along with Archie's girlfriend, Veronica Lodge, they were too different.

The door to the school opened and many people gasped at what they saw. A girl wearing all black entered the building. Her long, wavy black hair bounced with every step she took. Her outfit, a pair of black extremely short shorts, black knee height boots, a black leather jacket that almost covered her shorts and a shirt that covered only enough.

There wasn't a single pair of eyes not on the girl as she walked confidently through the halls. A loud whistle escaped Reggie's mouth as he started walking towards the girl.

"Fucking hell!" Sweet Pea's voice yelled as the girl ran towards him. He lifted the girl in the air, spinning her around. It was enough to make everyone look away. Nobody would mess with Sweet Pea, Reggie Mantle had learned his lesson, as did Archie Andrews, who was in pain for almost a month after his fight with the boy.

~ * ~ 

Sweet Pea stayed by the mysterious girl all day, causing Jughead to become curious. He had only shown interest in two girls, Josie McCoy and a Serpent girl he couldn't remember the name of.

What was special about this girl?

When it was lunch, Sweet Pea took the girl to the Serpent table, only for Fangs to attack the girl with a hug. It seemed Fangs knew the girl too. Toni grinned as she also hugged the girl, the other Serpents talking to her right away.

Nobody was introducing themselves, almost as if they all already knew her. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

All the Serpents stared at him in disgust. The girl however, smirked at him. "The name's Honey Bee," she spoke her voice as smooth as, well Honey. "He ain't worth your time, Bee," Sweet Pea told the girl. She shook her head as she stood in front of Jughead, ignoring the Giant Serpent who was scowling.

"You must be the infamous half a Serpent," she said. "Jughead, and I'm not half a Serpent." He paused as he looked directly in her eyes. "You're not even a Serpent, yet your here. I'm more of a Serpent than you'll ever be."


The girl held her hand out, stopping Sweet Pea. She smiled at Jughead, a smile that you'd give to a prey before you killed it. "I've been a Serpent for years, Jughead. You may be our King's son, but to me, you are just the same as every other person. You are not a friend, nor are you a foe." She moved so she was barely an inch from his face. "Don't make an enemy out of me, or my brother will be the least of your worries."

Jughead let out a breath as the girl walked away, grabbing her bag. Toni quickly followed the girl. "Now you met Sweet Pea's sister," Fangs told him, patting his back. "Fair warning, she barks just as well as Sweet Pea bites. She also bites."

~ * ~ 

Over a week had passed, Jughead couldn't stop thinking about the girl. Archie had began asking questions about her, leading to Jughead reminding him he had a girlfriend.

Sweet Pea had finally let his sister be alone. The Serpents were currently at the Whyte Wyrm, celebrating the return of Honey Bee, who was apparently loved by everyone. FP couldn't stop bragging about the girl to his son, something he hated.

Why did everyone love the girl so much?

Honey Bee sat at the bar, talking to a Serpent Jughead couldn't name. She seemed to be laughing at him, while he looked annoyed. He put his hand on her thigh and that was when the boy ended up on the floor, a foot on his chest.

Nobody helped the girl, glancing at who made the loud thud, only to look away after discovering it was Honey Bee.

The boy quickly ran away and that was when Jughead approached her. "What did he do wrong?" Honey Bee grabbed her drink, walking towards one of the comfortable chairs, Jughead following her.

"I don't like you, Jughead," she admitted. "I don't like you because I don't trust your loyalties." "Your opinion doesn't mean much to me. I done the task, the initiation, I passed, did you?" he questioned.

A chuckle escaped Honey Bee's mouth before she smirked at the boy. "I have." "Then where's your tattoo?" he questioned. "I've never seen it." "It's somewhere you'll never see," she replied, winking at the boy as she downed her drink.

"Tell me," she started as another drink was placed in front of her. "If it came to it, would you risk your life for the Serpents? Would you pick us over your strange red friend?" she asked as she took the drink. "Are you sure that's safe?" Jughead questioned, as she downed the drink. "I doubt anyone here would drug me, they'd be dead, not just by myself, but my brother and your Daddy."

He scoffed at the word 'Daddy', it sounded almost sexual. "Do you only dress like a whore? Or are you one?"

A gasp escaped Jughead's mouth as the girl pulled out a knife from... he wasn't sure where she got the knife, it seemed to appear from nowhere. "Now, now Jones," she spoke through gritted teeth. "Surely you know better than to slut shame people. Wasn't your little blonde girlfriend's sister slut shamed?"

Jughead didn't know what to do as he looked into the girl's eyes. She was definitely Sweet Pea's sister, both carrying weapons for their 'protection'. He was sure they just enjoyed toying with people.

Honey Bee looked in Jughead's eyes, before removing the knife from his neck. "It's a shame your half a Serpent, you're kinda cute."

He wasn't sure what he was doing, all he knew, one minute he was being threatened, the next, he woke up in a room that wasn't his. The girl next to him had just woke up, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of him,

"You should go, before Sweet Pea gets back. He won't be happy."

Jughead nodded his head as he quickly got dressed. Honey Bee smirked as the boy started to leave. "Hey Jones?" He turned back to her. "If you feel like being a Full Serpent, I'm here."

He rolled his eyes before leaving. She was right, sometimes he did feel like half a Serpent. His friends on the Northside didn't care for him, yet the Serpents, they would, they could be his real friends.

He was done being half a Serpent. Jughead Jones was done chasing the Northside. He was A Serpent by Blood, by Nature, by Heart.

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