Cheryl Blossom [1.2]

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Title: Mad Word Part 2

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Y/N woke up in an unfamiliar place, the hospital. She thought she would have died, but luck wasn't on her side.

She looked to her left and saw a dozen red roses. 'Why would someone get me roses?' She couldn't think of a single person who cared enough to buy her something so incredibly beautiful.

No one cared for her. Why would they start now?

A doctor entered the room and smiled. "Miss L/N, glad to see you're awake, your friend will be most happy." "What friend?"


Y/N froze at the voice. It was the one, the only CherylBombshell.

Cheryl didn't know her, why would she be visiting her?

"I just have to do some tests."

After the Doctor done all the tests required, she left the two teens alone. "How do you feel?" Cheryl asked.

"Why are you here? You don't even know me."

Y/N didn't mean to come off bitter, nor did she want to sound ungrateful, she was generally confused and concerned why Cheryl was being so nice.

"I know everything Y/N. I know you were replaced by Princess Pearl, a downgrade if you ask me. Cousin Betty tossed you aside the first chance she got and you didn't deserve it. They were treating you as if you were a toy they no longer needed" Cheryl responded.

"I still don't understand why you care" Y/N said.

Cheryl smiled slightly. "I know what it's like to feel like no one cares about you. I know what it feels like to be replaced. Veronica tried to steal my Vixens from me, of course she never could, but that didn't stop her from trying."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I needed someone through the tough times and no one was there to help me. You need someone now and I want to offer myself. No one deserves to feel alone" Cheryl told her.

Y/N was released from the hospital two days later. Cheryl didn't leave her side, she would protect the girl from the evil of the world, especially the Sad Breakfast Club.

The two girls walked into school, their arms linked together.

"Damn Blossom, your girl is hot" Chuck said with a whistle. Cheryl laughed. "She's mine and mine alone."

Y/N felt proud to have Cheryl by her side. She had a confidence like no other.

When the two girls walked past Betty and Veronica, Veronica was confused. She never saw the girl before, why was she suddenly best friends with Cheryl.

"Who is that?"

Betty looked at Veronica with a sad smile. "That was Y/N L/N, she used to be my best friend, but slowly we stopped speaking."


Betty never told her friend the truth. She was so caught up in catching Jason's killer that she tossed her best friend aside, that and Veronica had replaced her.

Only Y/N was a lot less dramatic than everyone else in this Mad World.

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I've noticed a lot of my imagines have been on the shorter side, yet I like them more.

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