Sweet Pea [5.1]

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Title: Best Friend Part 1

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I should have known. I should have known it would end like this.

Everyone warned me he was no good for me, yet I didn't listen. I didn't listen to my best friend.

I stood outside Pop's Diner, where my ex boyfriend just admitted he cheated on me. I had to break up with him. I couldn't stay with a cheater.

"Y/N" Betty's voice spoke softly. "Are you okay?"

I looked at her, only to notice she wasn't alone, she was with Jughead. "What happened?" she asked. A sob escaped my mouth as I wrapped my arms around her.

"It was Reggie, wasn't it?" Jughead guessed. "He-he cheated on me."

"What?!" Jughead yelled.

"He-he cheated on me" I cried on Betty's chest.

Jughead walked off, leaving me alone with Betty.

Sweet Pea P.O.V

I was playing pool at the Whyte Wyrm with Fangs, a beer in my hand. I was kicking his ass, though there's no surprise there.

"Sweet Pea!" The irritating Jughead called out. I rolled my eyes. "What? I'm busy."

"It's Y/N."

He gained my attention the second he mentioned my best friend's name. "What's happened?"

"He cheated on her."

The pool cue in my hand snapped in half. "HEY!" "I'll buy you a new one" I snapped, before turning my attention to Jughead.

"Where is he?"

We left the bar and got on our bikes. We drove to the dick's house. I didn't care if his parents were in, I didn't care if he had ten older brothers, I was getting my revenge.

"Don't do anything too bad" Jughead warned me causing me to scoff. "Once he's in pain, I'll feel better."

For once, we had luck on our side, Reggie Mantle left his house. "What are you doing here, Snakes?"

I chuckled. "This is going to be fun."

Ten minutes past, I was finished my assault on him, bruises, cuts, blood on his body and I was proud.

"Stay the fuck away from her. You even think about her I'll break your arm" I hissed.

Reader P.O.V

I sat inside Pop's Diner, drinking a chocolate milkshake, while Betty had a vanilla.

She managed to calm me down, something I was grateful for, though we were unsure where Jughead went. 

"How are you feeling?" Betty asked. "Better than I was, thank you." I sighed before continuing. "I should have listened to you, to everyone, you all told me he was no good, yet I didn't listen. I'm such an idiot."

She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped as she looked towards the entrance. 

"Y/N" my best friend's voice said. "Sweet Pea." I moved towards the window, allowing him to sit next to me, while Jughead sat next to Betty.

"I heard what happened?" he said. "Oh, God." "He's a fool. You can do so much better" he told me as he took my hands.

"I thought he actually cared about me. I thought he meant what he said. But he didn't, I was just a toy, until something better came along" I said.

"He won't bother you again, I promise." I looked at his hands and that's when I noticed the blood. "Really Sweets? You beat him up." He shrugged. "He deserved it. No one hurts someone I care about and gets away with it" he said.

I smiled at him. "I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you."

Sweet Pea P.O.V

"I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you."

Best friend. That's all you'll ever see me as.

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