Betty Cooper [2.2] Ft Chuck

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Title: I'm Not Straight Part 2

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Betty stood next to me, a soft smile on her face as she looked at me. I was nervous on what Chuck would say, or even do next, his unpredictable personality could be scary.

"Why doesn't this surprise me? You've gone from a Serpent to a girl." He let out a chuckle as he shook his head. "You're a true abomination." 

"No Chuck, you're the abomination. You're the monster." I couldn't stop myself as I continued to defend my crush. "Betty is perfect, she's kind, caring and beautiful. You're evil, you're a demon and Betty's, she's an angel."

I smiled at Betty who stared at me shocked, that was when I realised what I said.

I called Betty beautiful.

I called Betty Perfect.

Chuck let out a laugh as people watched us. I didn't know why they were so interested, or maybe I did. I wasn't usually one to cause a scene. "Betty an angel? I'm guessing you've never met her dark side." He stepped closer to Betty. "You're evil, Betty Cooper, you and Dark Betty."

My hand scrunched up in a fist. I couldn't allow him to disrespect Betty, to be rude to her. 


The boy turned to me and that was when my fist connected with his face. Everyone around gasped as the boy held his face. He stared at me, a glare on his face, before turning his attention to Betty. "You can have each other. I hope you're happy in your dyke life."

Chuck walked away, his friends following him. I turned to Betty, only to see her stare at me in shock. I was hoping, praying I didn't freak her out too much.

Of course I did. I called her beautiful, she doesn't like me like that, she couldn't, not Betty Cooper.

"I'm going to Pop's after school, would you like to keep me company?" she asked, causing my heart to beat fast. 

'Calm down Y/n, it's not like she's asking you on a date, it's just as friends'.

"Yeah, sure. I could do with more friends."

Betty let out a giggle. "No, I didn't mean as friends, I mean." She took a deep breath before smiling her angelic smile. "Will you go on a date with me?"

Am almost silent gasp escaped my mouth. Betty Cooper, my crush was asking me on a date. I had to be dreaming. It was a dream. I was going to wake up any minute in my bed.

"Will you?" Betty asked. "I'd love to" I replied smiling. I was finally going on a date with my dream girl, my crush.

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