Virgil Van Dijk #1

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Requested by @-likeavirgil
I know it's a little short but I hope you enjoy it.

Lilly was walking around her and her boyfriends, Virgil, home. They haven't been living together for very long however long enough to know each other's habits.

Virgil knew that at a certain time Lilly wanted to watch her TV show that she always watches. He knew that at this time she hated to be interrupted because she felt that she would miss something very important that happens.

It was that time of the day when Lilly's show was on. She had her blonde, shoulder length hair tied up loosely so it would get in her face. She also had sweatpants on and an old shirt because they were both comfy.

"I'm going in a shower" Virgil said towards Lilly who was too engaged in her show to even acknowledge what was happening around her.

Whilst Virgil was in the shower Lilly was engrossed with her TV show. Also when Virgil was in the shower he thought he had one of the best ideas.

He wanted to pull a prank on Lilly so he got an app on his phone that connected to the TV box which Lilly was watching her TV show on. Virgil decided to first mess with the volume turning it up and down which annoyed Lilly a little bit but not a lot.

Virgil then started to turn to channel over a numerous of times.

"For gods sake" Virgil heard Lilly shout. Virgil ended up messing with Lilly even longer which she was getting so annoyed at however Virgil loved it too much to stop.

Eventually Virgil did stop messing with Lilly but that was only with the TV. He decided to pull one more prank onto Lilly not knowing if it is a good idea or not but he still wanted to do it. The idea he came up with was to buy her a necklace that she wanted and put it in a box then put that box in another box and so on. He knew it would annoy her but it would also be funny.

"Lilly I got you a present" Virgil said walking to where she was seated on the sofa annoyed. Lilly looked back at Virgil with those blue eyes that he loves so much. They stared at each other for a while they only got knocked out of it when Virgil remembered the present that was in his hand.

"Here" he said passing the box to Lilly and sitting down on the sofa next to where she was sitting. Lilly had the box in her hand and slowly opened the box revealing another box.

Lilly looked at Virgil but still opened the other box that just reveals a different box.

"Card-board yet?" Virgil cracked up at his own terrible pun which also made Lilly also laugh a little. Finally she got to the end of the boxes revealing the necklace.

"I love you" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I love you too" he said bringing her into a kiss whilst trying to put the necklace on her.

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