Julian Brandt ~ Borussia Dortmund #3

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Day 4 of CountDown to Christmas

"Mummy, Papa, Mummy, Papa, wake up," You heard a small voice say next to you. Hoping it was just your imagination you kept your eyes closed hoping to go back to sleep. Julian wasn't awake either so it had to be your imagination. You then heard a small sigh and some soft footsteps walk away. All of a sudden you felt a big weight fall on you before you felt the bed move up and down slightly indicating that somebody was jumping on the bed. So your son was definitely up and ready to start the day. You and Julian were definitely not ready to start the day missing the lie-ins that you used to get before your son was born. No matter how much you love him you do wish for at least one lie-in and for him not to get up at ridiculous o'clock in the morning. Reluctantly you opened your eyes having to blink a couple of times to get used to the light that was coming through the door from where Jaydyn opened it. You made sure to keep your eyes away from him so he thinks that you're still asleep.

"Bärchen go back to bed," You heard Julian grumble out. You heard a gasp come from your son clearly pleased to hear that his papa was awake. Jaydyn stopped jumping on the bed and was silent for a couple of seconds and didn't move. You wanted to open your eyes and see what he was doing but then he would also see that you were awake so you kept your eyes closed and waited for him to move.

"Huh, Papa you're awake. GET UP! Mummy, mummy, mummy," Jaydyn started screaming wanting you to obviously wake up as well. One parent awake wasn't enough; he needed both of you awake. You lifted your head to see your son now kneeling on the bed leaning over Julain who was tiredly blinking wanting to go back to sleep. As soon as Jaydyn saw you looking at him a bright smile overtook his face causing you to smile back. He was happy that he had woken the two of you up. Turning your head to the bedside table you looked at the time and it has half seven. Later than you originally thought. You pulled down the duvet a little bit and Jaydyn made his way under them just lying there cuddling into the two. It wouldn't last long but would be nice whilst it lasts. It was peaceful for a little while until Jaydyn started wiggling wanting to get out. You knew that he had enough and wanted to go and play with something but neither you nor Julian wanted to move but Jaydyn couldn't stay still so at least one of you had to move. Without talking, you and Julian made a mutual agreement that he would go and make Jaydyn breakfast and then get him dressed whilst you get ready first and get Jaydyn's clothes out. It's the way it's always worked on Julian's day off so Jaydyn could spend more time with Julian because usually, Julian is busy or away for football so Jaydyn's with you most of the time. Any time Jaydyn can spend with Julian they both take even if it's just getting him dressed or bathing him.

Julian got out of bed and Jaydyn rolled over to Julain and put his arm out wanting to be carried downstairs. Julian knew that he was old enough to walk but it felt nice to pick him up and carry him sometimes. Soon he would be too big so it was nice to occasionally do it whilst he still could. Placing him down at the bottom of the stair Jaydyn instantly ran off towards his toys whilst Julian made his way to the kitchen to make Jaydyn breakfast and some milk and also make breakfast for himself and get out what he knew you would want. He looked through the cupboard before deciding to ask Jaydyn not wanting a tantrum this early in the morning.

"What do you want for breakfast Bärchen?" Julian asked him. Jaydyn stopped running around to think about it. It was a very important decision for a two-year-old. One of the most important decisions he will make.
"Chocolate cereal please," Jaydyn replied. Julian nodded and began making breakfast for both him and Jaydyn whilst Jaydyn ran around playing with toys.

"Snow papa, snow," Jaydyn said shouting. Julian's head snapped up as those words got said and he ran towards the window where Jaydyn was looking. There was snow all over the floor covering it all and it looked relatively thick as well. It was still falling as well making it difficult to see past a certain point but it still looked pretty. It looked perfect outside especially since hardly anyone had stepped out in the snow so it was all flat with no footsteps or anything.

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