Andy Delort ~ Montpellier

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Requested by @Talia4orrester
They had appointed her as a translator for the team at the end of the 2018/19 season knowing that there old one was leaving. Zee has been so excited when she got the call that she had got the job at Montpellier. She had been following the team for a little bit so therefore knew most of the players before she even met them face to face. She also had to admit that she found some of them quite good looking especially Andy. Zee was looking forward to meeting all of the guys especially Andy. She would be teaching the guys French that didn't know it to well so they could learn the native language of the country that they were living in. Zee would also have to travel with the team because if they went to a different country she would have to translate for both sides so they understand what each other are saying but if they stay in France she would also have to translate for the players that don't speak French.

Zee had briefly met all of the guys and she had only really got to know the ones that she had to teach French to on a regular basis. She never had to teach the one person that she wanted to though since French was his first language.

Teaching the guys French was a lot of fun as they all had a lot of different personalities so it was never boring. Even when they had games away from home and Zee had to go with them the guys that she was teaching would also make sure she was okay and not alone.

Every time she went away with Montpellier she would steal glances at Andy but only briefly and not to make it obvious to anyone else. Nobody ever noticed well she didn't think they did because nobody ever said anything. Zee would only take glances though if he was in her eye sight which happened to be more often then not. She had developed a huge crush on him and she didn't even know if he thought of her the same way. She didn't even know if he knew who she was.

Zee was tidying up her room from the day of teaching French to some of the boys when she heard a knock at her door. It was a bit weird because nobody ever really knocks on the door unless they have a lesson but all of them were over for the day. So unless one of them forgot something she had no clue who it could be.

"Come in" Zee shouted whilst continuing to put some things away. She heard the door open and shut but nothing else so Zee turned around to see who had walked in her room. When she turned around she saw Andy stood there twiddling his thumbs but looking at her like he was figuring out what to say.

"How can I help you?" She asked Andy who was still just staring at her. No matter at how fast her heart was beating or how nervous Zee was she managed to keep her voice flat and unshaken. Andy took a deep breath and looked up before he actually started talking.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Andy finally asked her. Zee thought her heart would explode but she kept her excitement at bay and she would until Andy leaves the room. Zee couldn't help herself but smile.

"Yeah, I would like that." Zee smiled brightly at him.

"Right, okay" Andy quickly grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from the table and he quickly wrote his number on it.

"Message me so I can let you know where we are going and at what time." He said passing Zee the piece of paper. When he passed her the paper he quickly waved and walked out of the door. Zee let out the breath that she had been holding in. Zee waited a couple of seconds until she was sure that Andy had left before she started to show her excitement. ...
Andy had messaged her a restaurant where they would be having there date and Zee couldn't wait. Zee had been excited all day and now that it was actually time she was starting to get nervous. Everything that could go wrong was running through Zees mind. She made her way into the restaurant and instantly spotted Andy over in the corner so she made her way over and when Andy spotted her he stood up and made his way over.

"How are you," Andy asked her when he got to her.

"I'm good, you?" Zee replied and the conversation seemed to flow from there. Throughout most of the meal they had a comfortable conversation mainly laughing at stupid things because they had similar sense of humour. They never seemed to run out of things to say as well because conversation just flowed easily between the date and if Zee was being honest it probably was the best date that she's ever been on.

"I see you sneaking glances at me when you think I'm not paying attention." Andy said when they were waiting for the dessert. If Zee had any food or drink in her mouth she probably would've spat it out. She was shocked. She thought she was being secretive about it but apparently not if Andy knew.

"I didn't mind, it was nice knowing a beautiful women like yourself couldn't keep your eyes of off me" Andy said smiling towards her and Zee couldn't help it blush at the compliments that he was giving to her.

When they finished the dessert Andy offered to walk Zee back to the car so they could talk some more.

"Maybe we could meet up again." Andy said to her once they made it to Zee car. The smile that Zee had on her face hasn't left the whole night and it somehow only got brighter.

"Yeah I would really like that." Zee said and Andy smiled brightly and kissed her on the cheek quickly before leaving Zee at her car. When she saw Andy out of sight she touched her cheek where Andy kissed her and she couldn't believe at what just happened. She couldn't wait for her next date with Andy.

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