Marco Asensio ~ Real Madrid #2

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Requested by @Paulieeen
Paulina was stood by her locker getting out the books that she would need for her lessons when she heard everyone whispering around her. Paulina didn't pay any attention to what they were saying she just wanted to get out of the corridor before 'him' and his 'mates' came. She closed her locker and turned around but as soon as she turned around she got pushed into the lockers.

So that's what they were whispering about Paulina thought. The 'popular' boys had entered the school and like they always did pushed Paulina against the lockers. She never understood why they done this because she's never even talked to them but at the beginning of last year they kept pushing her into lockers and sometimes they do things worse then that.

Marco had walked around the corner to his locker but he peered around to see Paulina. Since Marco saw Paulina for the first time he was immediately attracted to her but for some reason she was the only girl that wasn't attracted to him. Marco had never understood it he tried all different ways to get her to like him but they never seemed to work.

The only way Marco could figure out to make sure Paulina noticed him and this was the only way that he knew.

"Come on Marco" Isco said pulling Marco away from his thoughts and towards his next class. Marco couldn't wait till last lesson when he could just watch Paulina and try to get to know her since that was the only lesson that they have together.

"Hey guys" Lucas said smirking at them as he sat down in his normal seat at the normal table that him and his mates always sit at during lunch.

"Hey Lucas what's that smile for?" Sergio asked moving his bag so some more of there friends could sit down.

"Nothing, but I have a great idea for our new bet" Lucas replied looking straight over to Marco as he said that.

"What?" Marco asked when he saw Lucas staring straight at him.

"I bet you that you can't get Paulina to fall in love with you. She's like the only girl that isn't head over heels in love for you and isn't falling for your boyish charms" Lucas smiled innocently at Marco. Marco just smirked back.

"Deal" he said putting his hand out for Lucas to shake which he gladly accepted.

"Well that's not going to happen all Marco does is pick on her" Isco said laughing with a bunch of food in his mouth.

"It will" Marco said glaring at his best friend but Isco had no clue about what was happening. Feeling like he was getting annoyed Marco packed up his lunch and walked out of he hall so he wouldn't end up punching someone.

"Was it something I done" Isco asked cluelessly stuffing his mouth once again with food. Sergio just shook his head at his friend but had to try to stop himself from laughing at Isco.

Paulina was just sat outside in the sun and away from everyone else. Her friends usually sat with her but they had to stay behind in a lesson because they didn't do there homework.

"Hey baby girl" was the next thing Paulina heard next to her. She turned her face and saw Marco stood there just  staring at her.

"Here to torment me again Asensio" Paulina stated walking away from him.

"Don't walk away from me" Marco said catching up to her and grabbing her arm so she couldn't walk away again. He was grabbing he arm quite hard that Paulina winced but as soon as Marco noticed he let go of her arm.

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