Mattijis de Ligt ~ Juventus

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Day 4 of CountDown to Christmas
Warning: I'm not Dutch so this may not be how Dutch people celebrate Christmas! Also some of the Dutch words I've used may be wrong!!
Usually, you spend Christmas with your family so you do everything the British way but this year you agreed with Matthijs that you would spend this Christmas with his family. You were going to have a Dutch Christmas with everything that they enjoy. All you know about a Dutch Christmas is that it is a major family event where the whole family comes round. You also know that they have two Christmas Santa's. One called Sinterklaas who comes on the 5th of December and the other called Kerstman who comes around on Christmas Eve. You had been told by Matthijs that Christmas was a time where the whole family gets together to sing carols, play games, watch movies, tell Christmas tales and eat some holiday feasts.

"Merry Christmas" Matthijs said when he saw you stirring awake in your sleep. You lazily opened your eyes. You didn't want to get up and out of bed because you knew that it would be cold and it was nice and warm in bed with Matthijs. You didn't get a lot of this silence together because his mum started knocking on all of the doors to wake everyone up.

"Yeah, we're up. We will be down in a minute." Matthijs shouted through the door. He sighed leaning in closer to you and you knew that he wouldn't move from the bed unless you actually forced him to.

"Come on." You said literally pushing Matthijs out of the bed. There was a loud thump as soon as his body hit the floor and you couldn't help but laugh at the groan that left his lips. He knew that it would happen but he still didn't move from the bed.

"Well you didn't have to do that did you," Matthijs said poking his head up from the floor. This made you laugh even more that the fact you didn't even see his whole head only the top of it. You were going to reply with some snarky comment but you got interrupted before you could.

"Matthijs, Y/N hurry up." The twins, Fleur and Wouter, shouted at the same time. Matthijs groaned and put on a jumper before grabbing the presents from the cupboard which he brought for you and his other family members. You reluctantly got out of the warm bed and grabbed one of Matthijs' jumpers because even though it was too big for you it was comfortable. You also couldn't care less what you looked like you just wanted to be comfortable. You then helped Matthijs with the presents not wanting him to drop them when he tries to carry them down the stairs and into the living room. This also gave you the chance to grab the present that you brought Matthijs and somehow you got it to the Netherlands and wrapped it up without him finding out what it was because Matthijs likes knowing it all in advance so usually tries to find it so this year you hid it. It seemed like you hid it in a really good place. You grabbed them and opened the door for Matthijs since he couldn't do it with the number of presents that were in his hands.

"Merry Christmas," you said when you walked into the living room instantly placing the presents by the tree with the rest of them. You were meant to place them there last night but both you and Matthijs were so tired you forgot to.

"Vrolijk Kerstfeest!" Frank, Matthijs' dad, said to you once you sat down on the sofa. Matthijs places the presents that he had under the tree before taking a seat next to you. You made conversation with Fleur whilst waiting for Matthijs' mum to come before you start opening the presents.

"Time for Cadeau (presents)" Wouter said when he saw his mum walk into the room. They tried to use as much English as they could with you around but sometimes they would slip in some Dutch words. You didn't really mind considering you knew quite a few Dutch words you just couldn't put sentences together yet. But you were learning. You watched intently as everyone else opened up there presents. You never cared about getting presents you just enjoyed watching people's faces light up at the presents you brought them. It's probably why you enjoyed the idea of having children so much because of the way their faces would light up on Christmas Day. You knew you weren't ready for children but you couldn't wait for the day that you were.

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