Bleta Got Balls

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New Music Friday has Colson, Luna and Dom all up early, sitting in Ashley's sunny kitchen with her and Jagger. Dom had come back later than the rest of them last night. The four friends enjoy each other's company around the table, sipping coffee, passing joints, joking and bullshitting. Jagger is underneath the table, lounged out at their barefeet.

Dom, Colson and Ashley are doing Internet Shit. Luna sits with them but she's playing Plants Vs. Zombies on her phone. She decided a long time ago that she was born in the wrong decade and doesn't care for The Internet. She has a YouTube channel for her personal music. And a stupid Twitter. Justin and Charles forcing it on her. For Musical Promotion, they had said to her rolled eyes.

With her old band Dysfunctional Baggage and even as a Solo Artist, Luna has always hit the Alternative and Indie Charts. Still, she's never cared about the rankings or status. She considers herself a multidimensional artist over anything and prefers for her tribes to find her naturally. She's never liked the idea of being shoved at them through The World Wide Web's throat. Privacy being something she desperately covets. Growing up mainly in NY, it's naturally engrained in her through The City, her grandmother and Life. It's also probably where her hatred for The Internet grows from too and why Luna loves hard copies. Vinyls. Books. Posters. Canvas. FILM!! Art you can touch. Tangible pieces that can't disappear with a glitch. Luna's so against technology, she refused to get a cell phone until 2012. When she was 20yrs old. Her friends forcing her into conformity. All these years later, it still feels like a leash to her.

It's one of the quirks Colson adores about Luna. Qualities like those, plus The Night of The Girl In The Cheetah Print Coat are the things that have never made him worry if there's an ulterior motive to their relationship for her. The way he's had to in the past, their relationship flowing naturally since that first Hello. Colson learning early on how incredibly independent Luna is, never taking without willing to give. Knowing in his heart that she's with him not because she needs him or can gain from him as MGK; she isn't about that. Luna's with him because she's wants HIM and is in love with HIM as Richard Colson Baker. The rare gem that very few know of.

Luna had compromised with Twitter but still refuses to get an Instagram.

"No. As a photographer, I don't feel comfortable with it... And I do not like it. No." Has been her steady, Sam I Am firm answer regarding the app for years now.

It goes back to hard copies and private moments. Loving her reasoning and stubbornness, Colson finds her disdain for The Internet both intriguing and annoying at the same time. Depending on the day.

"HOLY FUUUCCCKK, GUYS!!!!!" Ashley spins her laptop around to Colson and Luna.

She has the Top 40 Pop Charts for the week up. Luna's heart begins to pound, tears welling in her eyes as she sees the numbers. She throws her arms around Colson.

"YOU GUYS FUCKING DEBUTED AT #9, BUNNY!!!!" She exclaims to him excitedly, kissing him on his cheek and neck.

Charting may not matter to Luna in her career, but it does to Colson's. Making it matter to her. As it should.

"HOLY FOOKEN' SHITE, MATE!!" Dom high fives Colson over the computer.

The Boys are oozing with shock and excitement. Their Girls congratulating them with love and kisses. Laughing through her kiss attack, Colson looks at Luna.

"We just gonna glaze over this #1 though?" He glances between both her and Ashley with a smirk as Luna takes a deep breath.

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