🎶CRASH Into Me, Baby🎶

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They're all wasted, heading across the back parking lot from The ShowBox to The Bus. Talking and laughing loudly about the night's show and events as they unsteadily bump into each other along the way.

"Yo... How many missing teeth and broken noses you think LunaTic's racked up by now?" Slim asks with a deep, amused laugh in the slight distance.

"More than your pussy ass!" Colson counters with his own laugh as he walks with Luna under his arm.

"Hey!" Luna says as she jams her elbow into the side of his ribs. "I thought I taught you THAT word is a compliment NOT a fucking insult."

"Fine." He sighs with a smile as he kisses her head. "You a BitchBITCH." He laughs over his shoulder.

Slim comes running up from behind them, smacking Colson on the back of the head. With that, he's off. Chasing after his bestfriend as they slap box the rest of the way to The Bus.

"I had 'chu." Sam slurs as her arm replaces Colson's around Luna's shoulders. "I may be fucked up... But I HAD 'chu." Sam asserts.

"I know." Luna chuckles lightly as she leans her head against Sam's.

Luna has just over a handful of bestfriends. Six to be exact; Ashley, Sam, Nikki, Frannie, Paris and Billie. Each holding their own spot in her soul and different pieces of her life and heart in their hands. Somehow all melding together for her in different ways. As friends do.


❇Sam and Luna have their own unique story of how they became bestfriends. It might've been because they grew up side by side through most of NYC's public school system. It could've been because they both have unfiltered opinions that they stand up for. But... It is actually because Sam is one of the very few people who truly and physically have Luna's back at all times. First becoming friendly while they were Math Partners in Mrs. Stein's 6th grade advanced class, they had hit it off right away. Both falsely judging the other on their cunt like personas beforehand to only find each other to be hilarious. Always one to get on but never to be taken advantage of, Luna had snapped at a house party one night. Calling a Dude out on his bullshit when he tried to short her on an ounce of weed. Knowing Luna's capabilities in math, Sam's ears had perked up. Making her way towards Luna, she watched as she had shoved the Dude, telling him she was an eighth short and that she WANTED her FUCKING 3.5 GRAMS. Making the wrong decision, the Dude had shoved Luna back. HARD. So hard he had thrown her off balance, making her stumble against a wall; sending her sliding down to the floor in disbelief before she could catch herself. Sam watched the whole scene as she headed towards Luna, unaware of the loud crowd moving with her. On the floor with the Dude approaching her, Luna had seen Sam make her way to the forefront. It was as if their brains had functioned on the same mathematical equation. Luna kicked out Dude's right knee cap as he came closer to her, making him double over to clutch it in pain. This gave Sam the perfect angle for a solid hit to the left side of his face. She had nailed it, making blood fly. His jaw cocked like a cartoon character's to Luna's laughing delight as she caught Sam's eye. Both pleased with one another as their combined efforts made the Dude fall to the ground with his injuries. Not caring about the Dude or the crowd, Luna continued to laugh until she lost Sam's eyes as the OH MY GODs and ARE YOU OKAYs along with other hollow concerns swallowed her. Laughing again with a shrug as the Dude's pockets were ran and spread around, Luna collected her missing eighth and a little extra before he was physically thrown out. Grabbing the bud, Luna broke through the frauds, going on to immediately find and link arms with Sam. Scooping up four Smirnoff Ices for the two of them, Luna pulled Sam onto the fire escape to thank her and get high. Burning together for the first time, the two live wires binded together easily with The City's noise. Creating an almost jellyfish like string between their beings with it only growing thicker and more deadly through the currents of life.❇

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