Coming Home

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Arriving in NYC, everyone is piled together sleeping in the front of The Bus. Colson, Luna and Ashleigh are curled up like three little peas on a couch pod. The Driver leaving them that way.


Colson and Luna are up early. They have an interview at 7A with The Breakfast Club. Ashleigh waking with them, they grab coffee together before checking into their rooms at The Knickerbocker.

 Ashleigh waking with them, they grab coffee together before checking into their rooms at The Knickerbocker

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Discussing what happened last night, Ashleigh is still visibly shaken and unsure of how to proceed. Colson feeling helpless in aiding his friend, he's not even sure what he should do either. Luna's heart worrying for both of them.

"Hey." She says while reaching for Ashleigh's hand across the table. "Advice?" She asks.

"Always." Ashleigh sighs.

"First, get with The Crew. You gotta figure out what we lost equipment wise. Then, you need to call Diddy. Tell him exactly what happened and what we're missing. He's going to first, need to replace the equipment before tonight's show and then assess the damage at The Palladium. We need know if there were any injuries or deaths because Colson may have to put out a statement. Hopefully there are none, otherwise the next step is reaching out to any victims." Luna finishes.

Colson and Ashleigh are staring at her in awe. Luna's truly been in this business for too long. Nodding, Ashleigh agrees. Everything Luna said makes absolute sense.

"What about me?" Colson asks.

"You. You bring your ass with me. We've got a long day and need to get dressed for it." Luna tells him.

Feeling secure with their game plan, the three head to their rooms. Hugging each other before they depart. Ashleigh thanking Luna for her help.


"You okay?" Colson asks Luna as he passes her a joint in their room.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Luna assures him.

Luna's used to chaos. Going on autopilot and functioning through. Emotions always waiting to hit her after the dust settles. The dust never seems to settle around her and Colson though.

Colson pulls her close, lifting her up by her ribs. She wraps her whole body around him. Gazing into his beautiful blue eyes as he holds her.

"I don't know what I would've done if I lost you." He mummers softly before burying his face in her neck.

Pulling his face out; Luna tells him how they can't dwell on that right now. That they need to focus on the getting through this day. Reminding him how they have an early lunch with Emma, Casie and Patti.

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