Chapter 8

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I woke up today with a pounding headache and in a terrible mood. Great.

I tried taking a shower to help relax me but it didn't help at all. So basically today I'm a big mess, but I did want to go to the mall to get a few things.

Weird right? Seeing me and mall mentioned in the same sentence.

I eat my breakfast then jump into some casual comfy clothes, and then I'm on my way to the mall.

While I'm in the car a song comes on that kind of reminds me of Harry.


I feel the same way I did last night about everything that went down. Nothing can happen between us, and it won't go any further than it did yesterday. It's just I don't know how he feels about it. I pray he feels the same way I do, or then things will get awkward.


I step into the mall with a huge sigh. I'm not the biggest fans of malls, it's just so big and crowded. I much prefer small bookstores, it's not to loud and never really crowded, and something about being around books is relaxing. I actually might stop by the bookstore here.

Time at the mall oddly goes by super quick, I've already spent an hour here and it feels like I just got here.

I'm going to walk to my last store, the bookstore. My home. I decided to go there last because it's right near the exit.

When walking places I like to be very observant to the people and things going on around me, it's just how I am. So when I'm walking through a mall I can't help but to scan my eyes over everyone.

When scanning I spot a stunning tall women, with jet black hair and brown eyes, with someone's arm resting on their hip. Harry.

I just freeze for a moment, not completely understanding why I was so shocked. She's gorgeous, of course Harry would like her.

They're laughing together, he says something to her and she breaks out in another laughing fit. He probably said something dumb knowing him.

I realize I've been staring to long and go to walk away but Harry's eyes meet mine and he immediately freezes. We both look at each other not knowing what to do. I look down at my fingers, playing with them for a slight moment, then looking right back up. He was still there, looking at me. I let out a fake smile then nod and walk away.

It's not that I'm upset or jealous that he's with someone else, it's just I wasn't fully prepared to see him today.

I go into the bookstore and quickly grab the book I've been wanting so I can leave. I've been at the mall for a little while and I'm ready to leave.

I head straight to the cafe, even though it's about closing time, I like sitting there after it closes so then I can be able to be alone and  not be bothered.

I tell Finn that I will be staying after closing time and he just reminds me to make sure it's locked up. After he leaves I go and sit in the bookstore area because there are beanbags that I can sit in and read, and I much prefer that over a rock solid chair.

I get lost in the book, not hearing anything going on around me. Someone could probably break in and I wouldn't hear them.

I hear my phone start blowing up with texts, I check it and it's Sage, asking me where I am and if I'm okay. I completely forgot to tell Sage just in case she went over to my apartment.

I quickly text her back that I'm at the cafe, reading and that I'll be back to my apartment soon. I put down my phone and go back to getting lost in my book, because Sage doesn't respond after that.

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