Chapter 41

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It's feels great to really be at work again. Lately, I've been extremely distracted so I zone out most of the day, but today I feel really good. This morning, I was able to get out of bed and get to work without Harry waking up once.

He will probably call me later today once he wakes up, upset he didn't get to say goodbye to me this morning. It was definitely hard trying to be quiet so then I wouldn't wake him up, but he was so exhausted yesterday, that I doubt he would of woken up if a bomb went off in the house.

Lately, I feel like Harry and I are doing really well. Even with this whole Aiden and Nick thing going on, we're doing amazing. I'm still a bit shocked over the the things Harry said about Nick yesterday. I get how Harry wants to protect me and keep me out of all of it, but now that I'm in it, I doubt I could get out of it, even if I wanted too.

"Hey do you still want to take the lunch break with me?" I hear Finn speak, making me snap out of the daze that I was in.

"Of course" I answer, before I pick up my coffee, then head to a outside table with Finn. I've actually missed hanging out and talking with Finn, I feel like we never get to do it enough.

"So I actually have something I've been really wanting to tell you" Finn blurts out, as we sit down in our chairs.

My eyes widen slightly, as I lean my arms on the table. "We'll go on, shoot" I chuckle, as I look at him intently, giving him my full attention.

He shifts in his chair, before he looks back at me again. He seems almost nervous to tell me whatever it is that he wants to tell me. "I uh- I have a girlfriend" he stutters.

My eyes go wide, and my eyebrows raise in shock. "No way! Really?" I shout, making him nod his head in response. "Wow that's amazing, tell me about her"  I exclaim.

He reaches his arm up, to scratch the back of his neck. "She funny, and kind. She's also beautiful, she has short black hair, and the cutest glasses she wears sometimes" he gushes, his cheeks turning a slight pink color.

A realization then hits me like a train, making me reach over and slap the table. "Oh my god, Sage told me about her like ages ago! She said she saw y'all sitting together, and she thought the two of you might of been dating" my voice raises, in shock.

"Oh wow," he laughs nervously. "well your the first person I've told about this" he admits quietly.

"Really?" I question him, as he nods his head in response. I'm actually quite shocked I'm the first one who knows about this, considering how much time him and Sage spend together.

"I thought since I'm not really used to this whole relationship thing, that you'd understand and be able to relate" he replies.

I begin to nod my head slowly. "Yeah I definitely do. I think you're great Finn, so there's no advice I could give you. I would love to meet her sometime though, I promise I won't interrogate her like Sage would" I tell him, making him let out a loud laugh.

I then hear a alarm sound, like on that comes from a phone. Finn turns over his phone, then pushes the chair out from underneath him, standing up quickly. "Shit, I almost forgot I have to pick up my little sister from school" he speaks, rushing his words.

"No worries, go ahead and go" I respond quickly, sending him a friendly smile.

He pauses for a moment, locking his gaze with mine. "I heard from Sage you wanted all of us to get together tonight and hang out, are you still down to do that?" he asks.

I straighten myself up in the chair, letting out a loud sigh. "Yeah of course, I can text you the details once I figure it all out" I suggest.

"Great, can't wait. See you later Leah" he waves goodbye to me, before he turns around and walks away. Well there goes Finn and I actually hanging out and talking during lunch. We'll see each other later tonight anyways, so I'm not that upset over it.

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