Twutters - First date

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Request by irl_crenny

Tweek smiled,  watching from behind as Leo fixed his hair in a car window nervously. It was their first date,  and both of their hearts were beating excitedly, hoping that today would be perfect for the other. He walked slowly,  biting his lip as he tried his hardest not to twitch.  He was so close... Just a few more steps..   " GAH! " He twitched,  making Leo turn around.  " Goddamn it" Tweek frowned. " TWEEK! " Butters grinned,  sprinting the small distance up to him and jumping on him,  hugging him tightly.  " I was trying to sneak up on you" Tweek pouted as he hugged back. " Aw gee,  will it help if I pretend to be scared? " Butters offered,  making Tweek giggle as Butters gasped, pretending to faint and dramatically acting afraid. " You're such a dork" Tweek laughed,  squishing Butters' cheeks together and making him smile adorably. " Nu uh" He disagreed. Tweek realised how close they were and he quickly let go of his boyfriends face as they both blushed. " Damn we're gonna miss the movie if we're not careful! " Butters smiled,  holding onto Tweeks wrist as he pulled him into the cinema.  Tweek grinned excitedly,  butterflies racing around in his stomach.  " Two tickets please! " Butters asked happily as he handed over the money.  " Wait let me GAH pay! " Tweek said,  but Leo shook his head.  " Nope! " He grinned as Tweek frowned.  " Fine,  but I'm paying for the popcorn! " Tweek smiled. They took their tickets,  walking towards the popcorn. Tweek looked down at their hands,  picking at the plasters on his fingers.  He wanted to hold Leos hand so badly. " Hey Tweek!  You saved my life this morning!  You guys wanting popcorn? " The man behind the popcorn smiled at them,  snapping Tweek out of his thoughts.  " Oh,  hi sir!  Yes please! " Tweek grinned back at him,  taking out the scrunched up money from his pocket.  " Don't worry about paying!  I owe you one" The man smiled warmly,  handing the pair the largest size of popcorn that the theatre sold.  " Aww gee,  thank you sir! " Butters smiled.   " Who was that? " Leo asked Tweek as the pair walked towards the room where their seats were.  " He was just one of my parent's customers.  He left his wallet in the shop earlier so I ran down the street to return it to him. " Tweek shrugged. Butters looked at him with adoring eyes.  " Wow..  My friends would never do something like that..  Eric yelled at me once for turning in money I found instead of giving it to him. " Butters said,  chewing his lip.  " Im just saying that I uh..  I think that it's ..  It's really sweet of you to do that" He blushed.  " It was nothing,  It was the right thing to do" Tweek blushed back,  unable to stop a smile at the praise.  Tweek jumped when he noticed two figures in all black clothing and sunglasses out of the corner of his eye. They quickly looked away,  whistling and making Tweek raise an eyebrow suspiciously. " Leo did you see that? " Tweek whispered.  " Huh?  See what? " Butters asked.  "..  Nothing..  Its probably just me being paranoid" Tweek frowned.  Butters hummed in thought,  opening the door for Tweek.  " Thanks Butters" He grinned happily.  The two found their seats,  getting comfortable as Tweek set the popcorn down in his boyfriends lap. " I've been wanting to see this movie for ages! I'm so glad that I get to see it finally, and with my favorite person" Tweek grinned as he crossed his legs on the chair. Butters blushed happily, a warm feeling in his chest as he noticed how happy Tweek looked right now. 

" You guys are fucking idiots" Token facepalmed as he walked to his seat with Craig and Clyde. " SHHH! They might hear us!" Clyde whispered, pulling his black hoodie further up his face. Token sighed disappointedly at his friends, who were ducking behind people whilst Clyde sung the theme to mission impossible. " Token you have to stay behind us! We let you come in normal clothes because you promised to be sneaky!" Craig hissed at him. Token sighed, raising an eyebrow at his friends as the three of them sat down in their seats. " Don't you two think that following them around like this is kind of creepy?" Token asked. " You're the one who said we have to make sure that they stay safe!" Craig frowned. " I told Tweek to have fun and stay safe, I didn't say Oh gees Craig and Clyde lets follow them around on their date like fucking psychopaths!" Token whisper yelled at the pair. " We are only here to make sure that his first date goes well" Clyde reassured Token, grinning innocently. The three jumped when they heard the sound of a mario coin being collected. " Sorry!" Token whispered as he turned his phone notification volume down and his friends scowled at him. " Nice going Toke" Craig frowned at him. " It's okay buddy we forgive you, he's not an expert ninja like us yet Craig cut him some slack." Clyde whispered.

The sound of a mario coin being collected made Tweek jump. " GAH! What was that?" Tweek asked, looking around. " I think it was just someones notification tone, don't worry" Butters smiled calmly, making Tweek relax. " You're right, come to think of it I think Token has the same noise on his phone" Tweek hummed thoughtfully. The movie started, and Butters sat munching happily on the popcorn.  Tweek put his hand in the box, blushing deeply when his fingers brushed against Leo's as he grabbed more popcorn. Butters smiled, blushing the same colour. He stopped eating, placing his hand on the arm of the chair instead. Tweek felt his heart leap when he noticed his hand laying so close to him. He sucked in a breath, trying to muster enough confidence to finally hold his hand. He was his boyfriend, surely being this nervous was unreasonable. He wiped his hands on his jeans, tensing up as he laced their fingers together, watching Leo's face closely for his reaction. Butter's smiled widely, squeezing Tweeks hand as he blushed brightly, keeping his eyes focused on the screen. Leo looked over at Tweek as the film continued. He leant his head on his shoulder, smiling when Tweek rested his head on top. They both shot up however when they heard two simultaneous excited squeals. They turned around as other people in the theatre shushed them angrily.  " Is that.. ?" Butters asked, squinting at Token and the two next to him. Clyde and Craig noticed the pair staring, jumping up and sprinting out of the theatre. Token winced, getting up and whispering " Sorry" to everyone as he followed his friends. 

When the movie was over, Tweek and Butters walked out holding hands, grinning excitedly as they talked about the film. " I LOVED THE PART WHEN HE SAID-" " ME TOO! IT WAS SO SWEET! AND THE-" " OH MY GOD YEA, THE-" They giggled. As their laughter died down, the two stood outside of the theatre, looking at eachother with huge smiles on their faces,  still holding hands. " I had so much fun today Butters, thank you for coming with me" Tweek smiled honestly. " I had fun too, I.. I really like you Tweek" Butters admitted, looking down at his feet shyly. " I really like you too Butters" Tweek blushed. " THATS IT NO ICE CREAM." Token yelled, making Tweek and Butters turn to look at him. He was yelling into the bushes, making the pair frown in confusion. " Uh.. Token?" Tweek asked as Token noticed them. " Oh, hey guys... Sorry about those two idiots earlier" Token apologised, scratching his neck nervously. " GUYS IM SERIOUS" He yelled back into the bushes. Two figures in black hoodies and sunglasses walked out looking defeated, pausing when they saw Tweek  and Leo looking at them. " RETREAT CLYDE!" Craig yelled as the pair jumped back into the bush, making Token groan in annoyance. " What are they doing" Butters asked, not quite used to the shit that Tweeks friends did yet. " They wanted to make sure that Tweek had a good time today, so they decided to pretend to be ninjas and spy on you two" Token explained. " WHAT THE HECK TOKEN WHY WOULD YOU EXPOSE US LIKE THAT" Clyde huffed as the pair lept out of the bush. " I think it's kinda sweet" Butters said, making everyone look at him confused. " Huh?" Token asked. " Well, you guys care enough about Tweek to do this" He smiled, making them all nod in agreement. " He's right" Tweek grinned. " Thanks guys" Tweek smiled. " You guys wanna come get ice cream with us? I promised these assholes that I would buy them some." Token asked chuckling. Tweek looked at Butters for approval. " Yea that uh.. That would be really nice fellas" Butters smiled, finally feeling like he had some real friends,  not to mention the cutest boyfriend in the world.

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