Caught (Matt x Neil)

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Matt and Neil are in a secret relationship, they have to pretend to just be friends when Brad and Barry are around. It's even harder when the band are on tour, they have little space to cuddle or hold hands let alone make out. At least at home they can without being disturbed. They are currently on tour, they've stopped at New York for three days.

Matt came back onto the tour bus after being at the gym for a couple hours, instantly taking off his shirt he was wearing. Neil eventually got out of bed, being the lazy ass he is. He sleepily stretches and walks into the kitchen area. Not noticing Matt, Neil walks right past him. He jumps on the couch, sitting down, annoying Brad in the process.

"Dude do you know what time it is?" Neil just shakes his head at Brad's question. "It's lunch time" Neil starts jumping up and down at the mention of lunch. "So childish" Brad mumbles under his breath.

Neil huffs as he has to make his own food seeing as no one else will. He walks towards the beds to pick up just phone when he sees Matt flexing his muscles in the tall mirror at the end of the beds. Neil bites his lip hard as he walks over to Matt.

"When did you get back?" Neil moaned out, not meaning to.

"Not long ago. You walked right past me babe" Matt whispered babe, making sure only the two of them heard it.

Neil couldn't stop looking at Matt's arms, admiring the way the sweat glistened off his skin, licking his lips at the sight before him. Neil couldn't wait any longer, he pulled Matt against him as he felt the post of the bed bunks on his back. Hungrily kissing Matt, Neil pressed himself flush against him. Until Matt pulled away.

"We could get caught"

"Bathroom" was all Neil could say.

They both discreetly walked into the little bathroom they had one after another. Matt was once again pulled against his boyfriend, grinning as Neil tugged at his long black hair. Fingers tracing Matt's chest then replaced by lips, Matt started grinding his hips against Neil's, inciting a moan from him. He pushed Neil against the wall before attaching his lips to his neck, finding his sweet spot.

Matt moved his hips faster as he pinned Neil's hands above his head. At the sudden arm restriction, Neil bucks his hips forward, getting more friction. Keeping one hand on Neil's wrists, Matt pulls his hips away, using his free hand to palm at the bulge Neil contains. His lips wondered over Neil's jaw to just behind his ear.

"What do you want me to do to you?" Matt purrs into his ear.

Neil shudders at Matt's breath on his skin. "Hand...pants..." was all Neil could manage. Matt caught on as he slipped his hand down Neil's pants and boxers. Neil gasps as Matt sucks on his neck harder than he has ever done before. "Mark me" Neil moaned out. Matt licked his tongue up Neil's neck before obligating to his wish.

Neil started thrusting his hips, fucking into Matt's hand as he bit down on his neck, causing his knees to go weak. Matt continued teasing Neil like that for awhile. Enjoying him being at his mercy.

The door suddenly opens, Brad wide eyed at the sight, his brother's hand down Neil's pants whilst Matt's attacking his neck. Both men look at Brad, scared by the sudden arrival, of course they forgot to lock the door.

Brad just wanted to use the toilet, but he can't even do that. He just slowly backs up and closes the door, pretending he didn't see anything. Barry gave him an questioning glance.

"Matt's hand...Neil's...pants..." he breaths out. Barry sighed, just leaving them to it.

Matt shrugged and carried on pleasuring his boyfriend before deciding to take Neil all the way, starting with the removal of his clothing.

Well, their secret won't stay secret for long.

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