Never Too Late (3DG x Fem Reader)

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One lazy afternoon, you were curled up to Adam's side on the couch. Your breathing hitched slightly as you felt Adam's fingers running over your scars, he didn't notice, too busy watching the other guys play truth or dare.

"Alright Neil. I dare you to get drunk with one of us"

Neil grinned as he looked at his victim. "C'mon dude, to the game room!"

"Oh hell no. Adam's not going" you glare at Neil.

Adam just sighed and grabbed your hand. "It'll only be one, I promise"

"You've been sober for ages, you can't"

"You know what Neil will get like if I don't, and I don't want him to try to get you drunk either. It will be just one small tiny sip, I swear sweetheart"

You groan but let Adam go, quickly pecking his lips before him and Neil go upstairs. The others get up and say they're going down to the basement to jam out.

"You sure you'll be fine on your own?"

"Yes, Matt. Now go" you shoo them away as you chuckle.


You jumped as you heard a sudden noice, nearly screaming as you saw Adam stumbling over to you. You mentally kill Neil. He smirks as he gets on top of you.

"Adam, what are you doing?"

"C'mon baby girl. Let's have some fun, I'll let you ride me" he hiccups as he slurs his words.

"No, you're drunk. You said you wouldn't"

"I don't care. I've missed drinking. It feels so good, I bet not as good as you though" he giggles, nearly falling onto the floor.

"No, Adam. I don't want our first time to be like this" you try to push him off but he pins your hands above your head.

You struggle to get him off you, tears filling your eyes, why did this have to happen? Adam slips his hand under your shirt, you scream no as loud as you could. Adam suddenly got off and stepped away, he looked mad. Then he started babbling, saying things like you should've stayed with your parents and that you're no fun. You fazed out at his speech, tears streaming as you get up and run. Run out to anywhere your legs would go. Adam swayed, then fell to the floor passed out.


You ended up at your's and Adam's special place you always have little dates at and hang out. You curled up and cried. You felt so hurt, so broken. But Adam's right. You should've never left your parents, you are no fun. You don't deserve a life, a good life. You deserve pain and misery. Adam doesn't deserve you, the guys don't either. They don't like you, they just felt sorry for you. They don't care. You don't even know why Adam likes you, he could have anyone, you're not pretty enough for him. You just cry and cry.

Hours go by when you look at the horizon. You stand at the edge, contemplating weather to end it all. You just stand there for ages and decide to do it. You spread your arms and lift your leg, getting ready to fall when you hear a voice before suddenly being pulled back.

You see Adam hovering above you, he looks like shit. Tears fall from his eyes and hit your face, you've never seen him cry before.

"Y/n, please forgive me. Neil made me get drunk, he wouldn't let me go. I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you"

"I'm sorry Adam, but I can't. You went too far" you shove him out the way, standing by the edge again.

"If you jump, I jump"

"No you won't, I know you won't"

Adam sighs, rubbing his face. He sees your back is turned to him. He pulls something from his pocket.

"Y/n, look at me. I have something to show you. Please?" you hear his voice crack.

"What now-" you cut yourself off as you spin around madly, that's when you see Adam on one knee, holding a small black box in his hand. He opens it to reveal a beautiful ring. "Oh, Adam"

"Will you y/n, do me the honour of making me the happiest man alive, by becoming my gorgeous wife? Will you marry me?"

You stand there shocked, not sure what to do. You just stare at him.

"Y/n? Will you? Will you marry me?" his bottom lip quivers, his hands shaking. It looks like he's about to have a mental breakdown.

That's when you realise your answer.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you, Adam Wade!!"

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