Help (Adam x Cale)

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Adam was walking his dog, Buckley, when Cale jogged over with his dog, Billy.

"What's up?"

"You free to come round tomorrow night, Adam? I think I found you a date" Cale wiggled his eyebrows as he elbowed Adam.

"Not more of your blind dates" he face palmed.

"Hey! She's a stunner! You gotta get over Jeanie, bro, she left you"

Adam sighed, then agreed to the date. They walked around the park, chatting along the way when something is whacked across their heads, knocking them out instantly. The dogs barking but were kicked out of the way as someone picks up Adam, Cale getting picked up by another person, both of them tossed in the back of a van before being tied up and gagged in broad daylight.


Cale gasped for air as he woke up, groaning from the pain in his head. He blinked and looked around, he was in a room with no windows, a light on above him. He saw his hands are chained to the arm rests of a chair, his legs chained to the legs of it too. He yelled for help, then heard movement to his right. He saw Adam chained to a chair in the same way as himself, still knocked out but stirring.

"Adam! Adam, wake up!"

But he didn't wake up, that worried Cale. He snapped his head up as the door opened, he saw a kid walk in, holding two plates of food.

"How are we supposed to eat if we're chained up?"

"My boss said he doesn't care how, he won't unchain you. I'm sorry" the kid places the food on the floor and eyes Adam. "He hasn't woken up yet?" Cale shook his head.

The kid slowly walked over and gently shook him, which made Adam stir again before slowly waking up. The kid quickly left afterwards, Adam groaned before realising what's happening.

"Cale! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, I'm fine"

Adam let out a sigh of relief, then had a determined look set on his face. "Whatever they want from us, we can't give it to them. We have to stay strong, we have to fight back. We can't let them break us"

"What if they hurt us if we don't?" Cale asked, scared.

Before Adam could answer, the door slammed open. Two men with masks walked in. Cale was gonna keep his mouth shut, he didn't want to piss them off. Adam on the other hand, most definitely is not.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Both of you chained and useless" the taller of the two laughed maniacally.

"Let. Us. Go. Now" Adam demanded.

"Well, now we know who's the leader out of you idiots" the smaller man laughed.

Adam just growled, anger in his eyes as he talked. "We will not give you what you want" he spat.

"Alright. You won't" the two men nodded. "So we'll make you"

The taller man balled his fist and punched Adam square in the jaw. Cale watched in horror as Adam groaned and yelled as both men punched and kicked him. Adam spat out blood before smirking.

"Is that all you got?"

"Adam! Stop!" Cale yelled.

Their kidnappers grinned wickedly before leaving.

"Yeah! Walk away, you cowards!"

They turn up with guns and knives. Cale turned pale as he tried to stop the men by yelling at them.

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