Addicted (Adam x The Band)

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Brad walked up his driveway, he wondered what Adam was doing, he hadn't seen him all day. He came out of his thoughts as he opened the front door. He ran his fingers through his hair after closing the door, stopping in his tracks as he heard giggling. He turned around and saw Adam laying on the living room floor, giggling to himself. He walked over to him and crossed his arms.

"You're high"

"You're funny"

"Where are your pills?" Brad demanded.

"You look funny" Adam pulled a funny face and pointed at Brad.

"I will find them and I will get rid of those pills. Mark my words Adam, you will get clean"

Adam just kept giggling like a school girl. Brad shook his head in disgust before going straight to Adam's room, his bandmate now passed out on the living room floor. Brad spent hours searching for those pills, every corner of the house, every hiding spot he knew, every draw and cupboard. He found nothing. Brad groaned in annoyance, then he saw Adam still passed out, he hasn't checked his pockets. Brad crouched next to him and searched each of his pockets, no pills.

"You're hiding them somewhere" he spoke to the sleeping man.

Brad decided to look in Adam's room again. Once he got there, he looked around the room, checking if he's missed any spots. Brad kneeled down by the bed, he looked under the bed and saw a small box. He picked it up and looked at it. He's never seen the box before, has Adam always had it or was it new? And why has Adam never told him about this box?

Brad slowly takes the lid off and gasps at the contents inside. Inside the box is full of photos and little gifts him and Adam made for each other as they grew up. He noticed a small letter, he picked it up and read it out loud.

"Brad is my very best friend and he always will be. I love him just like I know he loves me as best friends. I will always have his back, I would literally die for Bradley, he means the world to me" the letter was signed off as ~ Adam Gontier, aged 19. Brad was shocked. "Oh Adam, I never realised just how much I mean to you, I would die for you too Adz"

Brad put the note back and picked up a couple photos of when they were kids, smiling as he remembered those days so clearly. That's when he noticed a small bottle, he put the photos back and picked up the bottle, he read the label, OxyContin, Brad was just about to get up but a voice stopped him.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"Adam, listen to-"

"You bastard! I need them!" Adam cut him off.

He lunged at Brad and they both went tumbling, Adam ended up on top of him, he threw the first punch, hitting Brad square in the jaw. He didn't stop, repeatedly punching Brad, who couldn't get a punch in himself. Adam continued to beat up Brad until he was suddenly pulled off, he yelled, trying to get to Brad again. Neil helped Brad up whilst Barry held Adam back. Brad touched his face and saw blood on his fingers, then spat out blood.

"Unlucky for you Adam, I called these two whilst you were still passed out"

"Fuck you Brad! I don't wanna be anywhere near you! Get him out my face"

Adam shrugged Barry off him, storming out of his room. Brad saw the bottle on the floor and picked it up.

"I think it's best if Adam stays with me for awhile, give him some time" Barry suggested.

Brad just shrugged, gripping the bottle in his hand tightly. Neil patted him on the shoulder before walking out with Barry, Brad slumped against Adam's bed, looking at the bottle more closely, he noticed writing all over the bottle, get clean for Brad. He felt tears slip down his cheeks, Adam tried to get clean for him, he wanted to get clean for his best friend, but obviously he couldn't.

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