Two Soulmates (Neil x Barry)

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"Happy two year anniversary, little brother!" Brad congratulated his brother, wrapping him up in a hug.

"Thanks Brad. Neil's the best boyfriend ever"

Matt and Neil had their time together earlier today and now Matt is currently at Brad's house, he was just popping over to pick up the anniversary presents.

"I'm glad he's treating you well, or else"

"Brad!" Matt shook his head jokingly.

"What? I'm not gonna let anyone mess my brother around"

"Anyway, I gotta get going. I still gotta see Barry and Adam yet"

The brothers said their goodbyes, Matt heading over to Barry's to pick up the presents then to Adam's. What Matt didn't realise yet is how Barry is going to impact on his and Neil's relationship.


A week after the anniversary, Neil and Barry went out hunting whilst Matt was busy shopping. Neil had lots of fun, he'd learned things about Barry he never knew, the little things. After that day, Neil couldn't get Barry out of his head, he was obsessed with him. He didn't know why, he just couldn't stop thinking about him. Ever since, whenever Matt and Neil did something together, Neil always asked if Barry could join them. Matt is fed up with it.

"What is it with Barry? Why do you always want him to come along?" Matt threw his hands up, they've been having an argument for the past hour now.

"I only thought it'll be nice if he joins"

"To our dates? Seriously?"

"Well, I'm sorry, okay?! I just wanted one of my friends to hang out with us, is that such a crime?" Neil exclaimed.

"Yes! Me and you are dating! It should be just us on a date! I don't even feel like I have a relationship with you anymore, it's all Barry this or Barry that!"

Before Neil could speak, Matt ran out of the house, he knew Matt was going straight to Adam's place. Neil rubbed at his temples, frustrated because he didn't know what he felt towards Barry.

Awhile later, Neil has made his decision so he ventures off to Adam's apartment. As he walked up to the door, he thought about what he was going to say, repeating it in his head over and over. Then Neil opened the door, only to be greeted by the sounds of sighs, screams and heavy moaning. He couldn't believe it, Matt cheated on him, for Adam!

"How could you!" Neil screamed as he walked in on the pair.

Both of them scrambled away and covered themselves, Neil immediately ran out, leaving Matt to shove his clothes back on. Neil ran for home, Matt chasing after him not far behind. When they both got home, Neil collapsed against the wall, tears flowing down his face.

"Why?" Neil let out a broken sob.

Matt kept his distance as he started to explain.

"Ever since your obsession with Barry, I felt like you'd forgotten about me, like I was invisible. You had no time for just you and me, it was Barry with everything. I felt lonely and alone. Like I said earlier, it felt like I didn't have a relationship with you anymore. But with Adam, he made me feel special, loved, he cared for me"

"You cheated on me!"

"I know" Matt looked down in shame. "It only started as a shoulder to cry on. Adam was there for me, but then things started getting physical, it was never meant to end like this"

Neil wiped his eyes, then took a deep breath. "I think, I think I'm in love with Barry" he confessed.

Matt stood there shocked, then he got angry.

"So you don't love me!"

"I do! I'm in love with you and Barry, I love you both!" Neil protested.

Matt rubbed his face and sat down on the couch, he sighed, he couldn't do this.

"I'm sorry Neil, but I can't do this. I can't be in a relationship if you love someone else"

"I'm still in love with you! Please don't leave me, the three of us can make this work!"

Matt shook his head. "No, I'm not gonna be second best anymore. I'm not gonna be dating you if you love another person as well as me. And I won't make you choose, I love you Neil, so damn much but this just isn't gonna work, I hope Barry will treat you better"

Matt stood up and pulled Neil in for one last kiss, then pulled away, wiping Neil's tears away.

"I'll be back later to pick up my stuff" he spoke sadly.

Neil didn't want this, he wanted Matt and Barry, but he guess he can't have both.


After Adam picked Matt up, Neil called Barry over to talk. Once Barry arrived, he found Neil sat on the floor, leaning against the couch, surrounded by Matt's stuff.

"Neil? You okay, buddy?" Neil didn't blink. "Neil? You're scaring me" Barry moved one of the bags over so he could sit next to Neil.

"Matt's leaving me"

"What? Why?"

"I told him I'm in love with someone else. I'm still in love with him but he just wants me, I don't. I guess I can't have two soulmates" Neil shrugged with no emotion.

Barry's eyes lit up, he hoped the other person Neil is in love with is him, he knows he's being selfish but he wants Neil all to himself.

"It's gonna be okay bud, I'm sure the other guy likes you too"

"He doesn't. I know he doesn't, why would he like me?"

Barry frowned, he needs to know if he's the other guy.

"Why wouldn't he like you? You're kind and caring, funny and crazy, in a good way of course. If anyone doesn't find you attractive then they are clearly blind"

"Barry, there's something I need to tell you"

Before Neil could continue, Barry leaned forward and pressed his lips to Neil's. Of course the drummer was shocked but he kissed back. He was the one to deepen the kiss, holding Barry's head. After a few minutes of soft kissing, they pulled away.

"How'd you knew I'd kiss back?" Neil asked.

"I've felt something between us, a connection, a spark. I felt something happening between us recently, I just hoped I wasn't wrong"

"I guess I can't have you and Matt"

"Be my boyfriend"

Neil was shocked to say the least, but of course he accepted. Barry smiled so wide, picking Neil up and spinning him around, Neil laughing and giggling through it all.


Later that week, Matt now lives with Adam, both of them dating, their relationship was more physical than anything, but Adam and Matt loved each other. Neil and Barry started dating too, Neil and Matt still loved each other but they wanted different things, they both had to get over it. Both couples are happy for each other, Neil still wishes he could have Matt too but he has Barry now. He's had his time with Matt, now it's Neil's turn to be with Barry. Neil is happy, for now.

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