Accident (Matt x Barry)

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Matt sighed of happiness as he stepped outside, he hasn't done this for a long time. He put his skateboard down and stepped onto it. He started off down the driveway and onto the pavement. Matt always felt at peace on his board, he feels like he can be himself, that and when he's hanging out with his best friend.

Matt speeds down the street, the wind blowing his black hair about. Matt races around corners and streets, his smile getting wider as he sees the fields come into view. He was excited, he's about to meet his brother's best friend for the first time. Matt loves meeting new people, his brother can't stop talking about this guy called Adam. He's convinced his big bro has a crush on this guy. Matt of course is gonna make sure Adam doesn't mess Brad around, no one messes his brother around.

Matt hops off his board, looking around as he walked, he called out his brother's name, then walks to the spot that they're gonna meet.

Waiting and waiting, Matt gets bored, he decides to start wondering around, just as he was picking his board up, Matt suddenly went flying. He hit the ground with a hard thud. Matt cried out at the pain in his head and his ankle. He blinked and clutched his head in his hand, seeing a bunch of kids laughing at him as they picked up a football, then running off.

Matt groaned in pain as he tried to stand up, but immediately fell down again. He then felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he forgot he had his phone on him. He pulled it out and saw he had a couple texts from his brother, they were going to be late, they got held up in something, just typical. Matt then realises, his best friend can help! He immediately calls the number, it rings a few times before picking up.

"Hey, Matthew! What's up?"

"Hey, uh Barry...I need some help"

"What have you done now?" Barry sighs.

"I wasn't me this time! I swear!" He hears Barry hum, so he carries on. "So, y'know that I'm meeting Brad's best friend, yeah? Well I'm here at the fields, the one where we first met, and they're late"

Barry cuts him off. "I know you love rambling on but get to the point!" he hears the playfulness in Barry's voice.

"Yeah sorry. Basically, as I started wondering around some stupid kids knocked me over my board with their stupid ball and I hit my head and hurt my ankle, I can't stand up. Can you come get me please?"

"Can't take you anywhere, can we? You're so clumsy!" he giggles. "But hmm...I don't know? Maybe I could leave you there, Brad will be there eventually. You always said you wanted to be one with nature"

"C'mon Baz, pwease?" Matt asked childishly. "I'll do anything you want. You can take care of me"

He heard silence on the other end of the line for a few seconds, then heard Barry agree. He smiled as he hung up. The good thing was Barry wasn't that far away. Matt then notices his skateboard, it's broken in half. Matt just pouts, that was his favourite out of all the ones he owns. Soon enough, Barry turns up in his car, he just shakes his head in playfulness as he sees Matt.

"You're a big kid, you know that right?"

Matt just smiles goofily. He lets Barry help him up, one arm around his shoulder whilst Barry had an arm around Matt's waist. He winces as he stands there, Barry picking up the broken board and handing it to Matt. He tries to step forward but wobbles as he does. He squeals as Barry quickly picks him up in his arms.

"What? You can't walk so" Barry shrugs. Matt just blushes.

He walks to his car and helps Matt lay down on the backseats, then gets in the drivers seat.


Matt swears as Barry gently places him down on the couch. He walks into his kitchen and comes back shortly afterwards with an ice pack and some painkillers. Matt gladly takes them before Barry puts the ice pack over his ankle.

"You probably just sprained it"

"Still hurts" Matt pouts.

"Do you want me to kiss them better?" Barry asks.

Matt nods but winces again from the pain. Barry leans down and places a quick peck to Matt's forehead. He then moves down and removes the pack slightly and kisses his ankle better.

"All better" Barry then checks Matt's eyes, asking how many fingers he's holding up. "I don't think you have concussion. But you do need to rest, Matthew"

"I don't want to be alone" Matt's bottom lip quivers.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere. You can rest next to me yeah?"

Matt nodded before trying to sit up, Barry helped him. He sat next to Matt, holding his arms out. Matt gladly curled up to his best friend, his foot resting on the coffee table. Matt did feel a bit awkward considering his feelings towards his best friend. But he knew Barry was just looking after him. He perked up when Barry put his favourite film on the TV.

"Thank you"

Barry just gently squeezed him in response. He smiled as Matt's attention went to the TV when the film started.


As the film ended, Barry noticed Matt was asleep, he shifted slightly to take his hoodie off, afterwards Barry draped it over Matt. Barry tried to hold back a giggle as Matt mumbled his own name. What on earth could he be dreaming about to mention his name? Barry shook his head, Matt is a big adorable kid. He knew Matt will meet this Adam soon, he just has to rest up first. Barry slowly interlocked his fingers with Matt's, then left a peck to his lips which probably lasted longer than necessary, after that he rested his head against Matt's.

Matt smiled, he never thought his best friend feels the same way as he does too.

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