Anniversary (Matt x Gay Reader)

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You wake up to the smell of food, you open your eyes to see Matt with breakfast.

"Aw, thanks babe"

"I know today's gonna be a hard day so I thought this'll cheer you up"

You and Matt have been dating for over six months now, and today is the one year anniversary of Adam's death. You didn't have Adam's ring on because Matt wanted to get it cleaned, you just fiddle with your ring finger, it doesn't feel right without a ring.

"Come here" Matt holds his arms out to you.

You giggle as he picks you up, setting you on his lap as he feeds you your breakfast.


Later that day, you and Matt take a stroll through the graveyard, flowers in your hand. You place them on Adam's grave.

You and Matt just cuddle whilst you both talk to Adam, yes you love Matt but Adam was your first love. Matt knows he can't replace Adam. You just talk and joke about everything that Adam's missed out on the past year.

"I have a surprise" Matt exclaims.

He stands you up, telling you to close your eyes, you do so, then wait.

"You can open them"

You gasp when you open your eyes, Matt is down on one knee, a small black box in his hand. You can feel Adam's presence around you. For a spilt second, you swear you saw Adam actually stood behind Matt.

"I know I'm not Adam, his life was taken way too early. It should be him doing this, not me. But I can sense he wants me to do this. So...y/n l/n, will you marry me?"

You squeal and jump in his arms, kissing him repeatedly.

"I take that as a yes" Matt giggles.

It was Matt's idea for you to change your last name to Gontier when you get married, in honour of Adam.

You notice the ring is the exact ring Adam had, the only difference is Matt has his name engraved on it along with your's and Adam's. He slips it on, it looks even more beautiful.

You turn towards Adam's grave. "Thank you" you whisper to the stone.

You suddenly hear crying, you look around and notice a cardboard box underneath a tree. You pull Matt over and peer into the box.

"Oh my god, you poor thing" you gently pick up the baby that looks to be around one year old.

The baby immediately stopped crying in your arms.

"What are you doing out here by yourself? Why would someone just abandon such a beautiful child like this?" Matt caresses the baby.

"Hey, don't you think he or she looks just like Adam when he was a kid?"

"I can definitely see a resemblance" Matt nodded.

You checked the baby over for any signs of injury, but the infant was fine, you saw it was a boy. Matt wraps his arms around you, you leaned into his warmth.

"I think we should take him home, raise him ourselves" Matt suggested.

"I'd like that" you nod. "We should call you, Adam Junior" the baby giggled at the new name.

"I think he likes his name" Matt smiled at you.

You hug Matt as he holds Adam Jr, you feel a gush of wind wrap around you, but there is no wind around. You smile as you know it's just Adam.

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