The Gangster (Adam x Matt)

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Matt sat on the bench in the park peacefully, listening to the sounds of birds and children playing. He reached out for his bag but it was snatched from his grip by a group of kids.

"Hey! That's not yours!" Matt yelled.

The kids taunted Matt by holding his bag in front of him, watching Matt struggle as he tries to reach out for it then pulling it way from him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you trying to reach this?" one kid sniggered, holding the bag out to Matt but dropped it on the floor.

The bag was picked up as Matt nearly got it back. The kids all laughed at Matt, calling him names and making fun of his blindness. The bag was suddenly snatched from the kids. They all turned around angrily.

"Oh my god! It's Wade! I swear we were just leaving, s-sir!"

The group cowered away from him, quickly scampering off before they get in trouble.

Matt wiped his tears away as he heard someone sit beside him, handing his bag to him.

"Thank y-you" Matt whispered. "Wade was it?"

"My name's actually Adam. I never use my real name because of the work I do. I'm a powerful man, people are scared of me, they call me Wade round here, it's just my middle name" Adam explained as Matt fiddled with his bag.

"I'm Matt" he turned towards Adam's voice. "Can I uh, touch your face?"

"Sure you can. Here" Adam moved closer, turning to face Matt.

Matt raised his hand, Adam guided his hand, closing his eyes as Matt's hand rested on his face. Matt slowly moved his hand across Adam's forehead, carefully moving his hand down his nose to his cheeks. Matt caressed Adam's cheeks before his fingers traces over the beard coating his face. Matt's fingers brush Adam's lips, he imagined what kissing Adam would feel like. A smile formed on his lips at that thought. Matt's hand travelled down, feeling Adam's chest and arms, then his hands held Adam's.

"I'm imagining that you look as beautiful as an angel"

Adam just laughed at Matt's comment. "I'm no angel, Matt"

"To me you are" Matt leaned in closer.

Adam smiled as he placed his finger under Matt's chin. He leaned in and gently brushed his lips on Matt's, both felt sparks fly as their hearts skipped a beat. Adam deepened the kiss by holding Matt's face, feeling fingers tangle in his hair. Matt felt incredible, only if he could actually see Adam would he feel complete.

Adam slowly pulled away for air, watching the glee on Matt's face. He giggled slightly at the smile on Matt's lips.

"I'll look after you. It's getting late"

"We've only just met" Matt turned his head slightly.

"I look after victims and people who need help, it's what I do. Plus, you're pretty cute" Adam shrugged but Matt couldn't see it. "And we've already kissed"

Matt couldn't stop a smile spreading as he was helped up. He wrapped his arms around Adam's waist as he felt an arm around his shoulders.

"I have a feeling you'll be sticking around for a long time" Matt spoke as they started walking off.

"I'm not gonna leave you, Matt. I'm sticking around"

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