Prank War (Adam x Matt)

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Matt untangled himself from Adam carefully, trying not to wake him up as he held in his laughter. Matt pulled on his boxers and picked up Adam's shirt, slipping it on as he crept downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, Matt ruffled his hair whilst making a cup of coffee.

Matt watched the snow through the glass door as he sipped his coffee. He spaced out for a while but burst into laughter as he heard his name in a blood curdling scream. He turned around as footsteps sounded into the kitchen.

Adam stood with his arms crossed over his exposed chest, fuming wildly, steam could practically be seen coming out of his ears Adam was that ballistic.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY" Adam screeched.

Matt already took a photo whilst Adam was sleeping, but only if he could video Adam now.


"Just because" Matt replied.

"How the fuck"

"I put hair dye in your shampoo" Matt burst into another laughing fit.

"I'm so gonna murder you" Adam jumped on Matt, pinning his arms down with one hand as the other tickled Matt.

Matt struggled to breath as he was laughing too much but managed to kiss Adam just to distract him. Matt flipped them over so he was on top, pinning Adam down this time.

"You are so dead, Walst"

"You love me really" Matt grinned at him.

They stayed like that for a while, Adam constantly tried flipping them over but Matt held him down.

"It'll come out eventually. You're just gonna have to cover your hair every time you need to go out"

"You're lucky I love you otherwise you'll be dead"

Adam kissed Matt, getting picked up in the process. As they pulled away, Adam had a glint in his eyes but Matt didn't notice as he went back to his coffee. Adam huffed as he went back upstairs.


Adam cheered as he finished his 'revenge' on Matt as he calls it, quickly putting the stuff away just as Matt woke up from his little 'nap'.

"Ugh, I didn't realise I was so tired. I don't even remember falling asleep, it was just a blur"

Adam hid his devious smirk behind his hand.

"Baby, why don't you look in the mirror?"

"Why...?" Matt raised his eyebrows.

"Is it such a crime if I want my darling boyfriend to see himself in the mirror?"

Matt suspiciously looked at him, then hesitantly looked into the mirror. Matt screamed as he saw he had no hair.

"And here I thought you were gonna spoil me. But no you had to shave all my beautiful hair off, you little shit" Matt glared at Adam through the mirror.

Adam stood flush behind Matt, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Darling, I can spoil you anytime I want" he whispered into Matt's ear, watching him shiver.

"If it's a prank war you want, it's a prank war you're gonna get" Matt smirked at him.


Adam came back from the bathroom, sitting back at the kitchen table, eyeing Matt.

He picked up his coffee and took a sip. Adam instantly spat it back out.

"What the fuck is in this?"

Matt held up the salt shaker in his hand, keeping a straight face.

"You didn't?" Adam asked.

"I did" Matt nodded.

"You're going down" Adam jumped up.

"Took me down to the river so I could drown, drown, drown" Matt sang as Adam straddled him to the chair, biting down on his neck. Matt moaned out, holding Adam's hips. He won't let Adam win.

"I'm gonna win this war" Adam smugly said.

"I don't think so"


Adam patiently waited for Matt to wake up as he sat on the top of the stairs.

When Matt did wake up, he looked to his left but screamed and grabbed the alarm clock, smashing it down on the giant spider looking at him. He did it multiple times but when the spider didn't die or move, he gingerly picked it up.

"You bastard!"

Matt stood at the doorway of the room and threw the rubber spider at Adam, which caused the older man to laugh and walk Matt to the bed.

"I've won" Adam grinned.

"No Adam, you haven't"

Adam smirked at he quickly pinned Matt to the bed, sucking on his sweet spot, earning a moan from him.

"I've won" he repeated again.

"This is cheating" Matt gasped out as Adam sucked down his body, keeping one hand holding Matt's wrists down.

Adam gently palmed Matt. "Will you admit I've won?"

"N-no" Matt shook his head.

"How" Adam slipped his hand down Matt's boxers as he spoke.

Matt gasped but still shook his head.

Adam smiled as he swiftly pulled the boxers off him and took Matt into his mouth.

Matt bucked his hips as Adam teased his slit with his tongue.

"Alright, alright! You've won! You've won the war! Now, please" Matt croaked as he fucked into Adam's mouth.

Adam pulled away. "See? Now that wasn't so hard was it?" Adam smirked at his victory.

"You better come here and finish what you started" Matt said as he pointed to his dick.

"Sorry, not today" Adam sang as he magically pulled out rainbow glitter and covered Matt.

"You know what? Just get pranking out of your system" Matt waved his hand around as Adam jumped up and down like a little kid.

"You shouldn't of said that now" Adam smiled mischievously.

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