Looked After (Adam x Matt)

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"The taxi is here, baby" Matt soothed to his drunk boyfriend, who was slumped on the floor outside the club.

Adam just mumbled, still spitting out puke. Matt helped him up and got him in the taxi. The journey home was awkward, Adam tried not to throw up again, luckily he didn't, Matt sat in the front, keeping a close eye on Adam. When they got home, Matt helps Adam in.

"Bathroom" Adam whines out.

Matt helps him to the bathroom and helps him sit in front of the toilet. Adam starts gagging and dry heaving as Matt holds his hair back whilst rubbing Adam's back in a soothing manner.

"It's alright, just let it out. I'm right here" Matt comforted as Adam threw up.

The sounds Adam was making did not sound healthy at all, Matt was really worried. Once he eventually got Adam into bed, it was way past midnight. Matt stayed awake until Adam was finally asleep curled up into him. Matt looked down at Adam, his heart fluttering as Adam's face was against his chest, soft snoring leaving his cute lips.

"I love you" Matt whispers against Adam's hair.

As Matt started drifting off to sleep, he faintly heard footsteps running into the bathroom. He groans, slowly getting up to go into the bathroom.

Matt hardly got any sleep, just as he was falling asleep, Adam would run into the bathroom. It happened all night. The following morning, Matt looked after Adam, sadly Adam couldn't keep anything down, he kept throwing whatever he ate or drank up again.

"Do you think you've got a bug or flu?" Matt asks as he sits in front of Adam on the kitchen floor.

Adam just mumbles as he leans down to rest his head on Matt's lap.

"My belly hurts"

"You're not burning up. Hungover much?" Matt joked, trying to cheer Adam up but didn't work.


A few weeks later, Adam was still sick, Matt tried taking him to the doctors but Adam wanted to go by himself.

"Adz, can I talk to you?"

Adam was in the bath, he opened his eyes slightly, he nodded, letting Matt kneel beside the bathtub.

"How do I put this" Matt took a deep breath as he held Adam's hand. "Adam, are you...are you using again?"

Adam was taken aback, he pulled his hand away from Matt's. He moved to the other end of the tub.

"How dare you? I quit drugs for you, Matt. To prove that I love you. You never trusted me, have you?"

"No, Adam it's not lik-"

"No! I'm not using! Why would you think that?!" Adam cut him off.

"Well, you're in pain, you're throwing up all the time. You're burning up and you are always exhausted. It looks like symptoms of withdrawal. I'm just worried about you"

Adam just laughed at him as he got out of the bathtub, drying himself off and got changed.

"Where are you going?" Matt asked.

Adam just ignores him as he barely walks out the door. He was gonna prove to Matt that he's not back on drugs.


Matt was sat at the kitchen table, head in his hands, hundreds of calls to Adam that just went to answerphone, multiple texts that weren't answered either.

Why am I so stupid? Adam would never go back to drugs. Or would he?

Matt couldn't decide if he was right or not. Adam has been acting strange, with whatever sickness he's got. He snapped his head up as he heard footsteps. Adam looked pale, his hand clutching his stomach.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to assume" Matt blurted out.

"It's alright. I know why I'm sick"

Matt stood up, looking over Adam's features for any signs to what it could be.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Matt, I'm......I'm pregnant" Adam explained.

Matt's eyes went wide, his jaw flung open. He didn't know what to do with this information.

"What do you...think about this?" Matt said slowly.

Adam walked over to him, placing Matt's hands on his waist, looking down at him, searching his eyes. Adam thought for a few minutes before speaking.

"Matty, the day I first met you, I fell in love with you. My love for you grows every day and I've been thinking. For a while now, I've wanted to have a family with you. Now I have that chance. I want this"

Matt stood there, shocked about the news. Then his lips formed a huge smile.

"If you're happy then I'm happy. I'd love to start a family with you Adam. I love you so much"

Adam pulled Matt in for a kiss, mumbling 'I love you too' in between kisses.


Adam was half way through the pregnancy, Matt was so good with him, treated him so well.

"I need a pee again" Adam muttered.

"Again?" Matt laughed as he pulled Adam up.

Adam kept the blanket wrapped around him as he hobbled into the bathroom. He noticed blood on his pants, he quickly stripped his bottom half and saw his pants and boxers covered in blood.

"No! No no no no!" he slumped to the floor, his hands went to his bump, he couldn't feel the baby moving.

Adam screamed for Matt, it felt like his world was falling apart.


"I'm sorry, sir. You've had a miscarriage"

At those words, Adam felt his world collapsing, his world was gone. He refused Matt to see him like this, he didn't know how Matt was coping from the devastating news but Adam didn't care at the moment, he wanted the pain to go away.

Adam discharged himself and wondered the streets by himself. He heard his phone ringing and saw Matt calling him, Adam chucked his phone onto the road just as a car drove over it, crushing his phone. He found himself in a familiar street, a man approached him.

"Back again so soon?" the man chuckled.

"Just hand them over" Adam was irritated.

The man held his hands up in defence before handing the object over, quickly leaving. Adam instantly opened the bottle and swallowed about half of the pills he once was addicted to.

Adam instantly felt himself in a better place, he felt weightless. Then he suddenly collapsed onto the floor, the pill bottle fell out of his hand. As Adam lay there, he felt himself floating away to a much happier place without all the pain and darkness.

"Over and over, over and over
I fall for you
Over and over, over and over
I try not to" Adam sang as finally his heart stopped.

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