Horny (Adam x Matt)

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Adam and Matt stride out of the store that's in the shopping centre, Adam carries all the shopping as Matt runs around like a hyperactive kid.

"Alright, enough Matt! Let's get a drink"

Matt runs over and pulls Adam over to a café, he sits down and takes the shopping off Adam, placing them next to his chair. Adam just shakes his head at his childishness but goes inside to order their drinks. Matt waits patiently, then Adam comes back and sits down opposite Matt.

"Have you enjoyed your day so far, baby boy?"

Matt nods excitedly which makes Adam laugh. Their drinks come, both thank the waitress and they slowly sip their chosen drinks. After awhile of chatting and drinking, Matt bites his lip. He looks around and sees no one looking so he gets up and discreetly shuffles under the table.

"Matt, what are you doing? We're not playing hide and seek baby"

"I have a far better idea"

Adam rests his elbow on the table as he rests his chin on his hand. He suddenly jumps as he feels his pants being unzipped.


"No one can see me, the table cloth is covering me"

"Can't you wait till we get home?"

Matt didn't answer, instead he carried on pulling Adam's pants and boxers down slightly. Adam had to admit, if Matt wanted to blow him he'd definitely accept, even in public but Adam wanted today to be a nice date day. He wanted today to be romantic not sexual. But he could never resist Matt, never. So he lets Matt get what he wants. Adam picks up his drink and takes a sip, choking on the liquid as he feels Matt's mouth around him.

"Are you tryna kill me? I just choked!"

"At least you didn't choke on me" Matt sniggers.

He wraps his hand around Adam's dick, pulling his foreskin back and forth. Adam pulls his hood up so no one can see his face as they look. He feels Matt work on his head, trying so hard not to moan.

"If you keep teasing me like this, I'm gonna pin you to the table and fuck you so hard you won't walk for weeks" he growled.

Matt smirked under the table, then decided to stop teasing, he wants Adam to fuck him like that at home. He takes his dick into his mouth again, bobbing his head. Adam resists the urge to buck his hips, so he lets Matt have control. Matt sucks his head, swirling his tongue and hollows his cheeks. Adam balls his fist, oh what Matt does to him.

Matt pulls off and gives Adam's head kitten licks, seeing him jerk in his seat. He hears Adam swear as he kisses his head over and over.

"Don't stop! I'm so close" but Matt stops. "Matt! Damnit baby"

Matt pokes his head out from under the table, then climbs out and swiftly straddles Adam.

"It's too risky. We could get in serous trouble. Why don't we go to a public bathroom or something"

"But daddy, I'm horny. I need you now"

Matt takes his hoodie off and drapes it around his waist to cover up what they're doing. Adam doesn't stop him, he intently watches Matt reveal his throbbing leaking cock. He licks his lips, he could just eat Matt up. Matt quickly looks around once more before using Adam's dick to penetrate him. Both of them moan out, Matt starts to ride his boyfriend, holding onto his waist.

Adam grabs Matt's face in his hands, running his thumb over his bottom lip. "You always do so many things to me, Matt. You should be illegal, you're irresistible"

"Then that'll make you a criminal if I'm illegal"

"I'm always a criminal for you baby"

It doesn't take much for Adam to orgasm inside Matt. He grunts as he comes down from his high, watching Matt ride him wildly.

"We're seriously gonna get caught one day"

Adam traces his fingers over Matt's dick, immediately kissing Matt back as he smashes his lips to Adam's. His fingers slowly work on Matt, teasing his head as he traces patterns on his shaft. They pull away from the kiss, Adam takes ahold of Matt fully, coaxing him to thrust himself into Adam's hand. Matt complies, only seconds away from release. Matt quickly swats Adam's hand away and pulls his boxers up to cover his dick.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm gonna have to cum in my boxers"

Moments later, Matt does, he covers the inside of his boxers with his sticky cum. As he crashes from his high, Matt covers himself again before getting off Adam. He sorts out Adam's clothing as well, then picks up the bags of shopping.

"You do realise that you're gonna stay in that for the rest of the day?"

"So fucking worth it, Adzy" Matt grins as they walk off together, hand in hand.

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