Poison (Adam x Brad)

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Brad suddenly woke up, he didn't feel Adam's arms around him so he looked over, the moonlight illuminating the room as Adam is on his front, softly snoring away. Every night they cuddle as they fall asleep, still in each other's arms when they wake up. Why isn't he still in his arms?

Brad looks over and checks the time, 2:41am. Brad just sighs, turning to face Adam but gets the urge to go to the toilet. He stops himself from groaning so he doesn't wake Adam and gets up, walking into the bathroom. He feels a slight ache in his side as he finishes up but ignores it, quickly washing his hands and pads back to bed. Brad notices Adam is now on his back, half of him hanging out of bed which makes Walst smile at how someone can sleep in such a weird position, only Adam can, Brad thought.

He silently got back into bed, turning over to face Adam but as soon as he did, Brad felt excruciating pain in his torso, he gripped his front, hand over this mouth to stay quiet. The last thing he wanted was to wake Adam. Brad felt tears down his face as he brought his knees up. He silently cried out as he held back his whines as he felt the pain spreading. It felt like someone was burning him from the inside. He tried to hold back but couldn't as a whimper like cry escaped his lips, Adam jolted upright as he heard a cry, falling out of bed because he was still hanging off it. He scrabbled up and turned the lamp on, his eyes falling on Brad.

"Oh my god Brad, are you okay?"

Adam crawled over to his trembling boyfriend, he pulled Brad onto his lap and cradled him, feeling just how cold he is.

"Brad, you're freezing! And you look so pale. Please baby, talk to me"

Adam stroked his hair, seeing so much pain in Brad's eyes. He tried to find out what's wrong but Brad couldn't get his sentences out, gasping for breath. He managed to tell Adam that he hurt everywhere, Adam made the pain worse as he slowly tried to massage Brad but realised what he was doing when Brad jolted violently.


Adam's mind registered and shifted over to grab his phone, he quickly dialed 911 and waited for an answer.

"Please help me! I woke up to find my boyfriend in so much pain, I don't know what to do! Oh god, he's signalling that he can't breathe! Please, help!"

Adam kept panicking as he continued with the call, meanwhile Brad kept fazing in and out of reality. After the call, Adam reassured Brad that an ambulance is on the way. Brad shakily raised his hand to Adam's cheek, he tried pulling him in for a kiss but was far too weak, Adam saw what he was trying to do and leaned down, bringing his lips to Brad's, Adam felt his heart stop as the kiss felt different, it felt like it was final. He slowly pulled away, tears blinded his vision as he slowly spoke.

"You're not gonna die"

Adam noticed Brad's veins were turning black, which he nearly fainted at. He just held Brad as close to him as he could as he started mumbling, rocking back and forth like a crazy person.

By now Brad's veins are completely black, Adam shaking as he sobbed, Brad felt paralysed, the pain literally stopped him from moving and talking. His throat felt completely closed over, his vision was messed up, like he's tripping out. Adam was so spaced out he didn't notice paramedics take Brad out on a stretcher. Just as the ambulance was about to leave, Adam rushed out, tripping over as he tries to pull his pants on. He jumps in the back, pushing his feet into his trainers as he grabs Brad's hand.

"Why isn't he waking up?! Is he dead?!"

"He's just unconscious, sir"


Doctors push the stretcher into the emergency ward, Adam closely following behind. He watches nervously as the doctors hook him to a drip and prod and poke him with needles, checking his vital signs and taking him for scans. After so many hours, before Adam could explode out of anger, the same doctor that told him to stay outside the room walks over to him. Adam looks up from his hands and lets out a breath.

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