Break (Adam x Matt)

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Adam hums as he walks back to his makeshift dressing room, after he finished filming his last scene for the music video of Break. He wiped his right cheek with the back of his hand, but ended up just smearing the pink paint across his face more.

He walked into the dressing room but his breath hitched at the sight on the bed in the corner. There laid naked, Matt Walst. Adam grinned as Matt spread his legs and start tugging himself.

"The sight of you right now is doing so many things to me" Adam grunted as he took off his stained boots. He heard Matt mutter. "What'd you say, Matt?"

"I said fuck me"

Adam walked to the side of the bed, intently watching as pre cum dripped out of Matt.

"Look at me, Adam. Please fuck me. Pound my ass. Like you sang; I like it rough"

Without another word, Adam hovers himself over Matt, latching his lips to Matt's neck, his hair smearing paint on the younger man's face.

Matt pulls Adam flush against him, getting covered in paint as well.

"I wrote a song about us" Adam hummed into Matt's neck in response. "It's called casual sex"

Adam runs his hand through his long hair. "You have no idea how hot you look right now, Matt"

Matt moans, tugging on the half white, half pink waistcoat that fitted to the man above him so well, as he rocked his hips against Adam's crotch.

"Keep it on" Matt tugged at the waistcoat once more, before letting Adam get undressed. As he watched him strip down, Matt sucked his fingers and inserting them into his hole, moaning loudly at the big stretch.

Adam put the waistcoat back on him, biting his lip at the delicious sight underneath him. Adam looked at his left hand, sighing as he took his wedding ring off, putting it on the window sill.

"She won't find out. I promise you that" Matt cupped Adam's cheek intently. Adam nodded, then wiping a clump of paint from Matt's torso, wiping it on his dick and Matt's hole.


Adam smirked. "What? Do you see any lube laying around anywhere?"

Matt shook his head, running his hand through Adam's sticky hair, then grabbing a fistful.

Both moaned as Adam positions himself, then pushing in. Matt's other hand rests on Adam's side, nails digging in the soft skin.

"You need to have paint chucked on you more often because you are so fucking hot" Matt sighed as Adam moved so they were flush against each other. Matt wrapped his legs around him, his hand scratching down Adam's front, moaning as his sweet spot on his neck got some attention.

He felt his neck being licked at, so he turned his head, revealing more of his neck to be covered in hickeys.

Adam felt Matt's prostate as he thrusted his hips deeper, hearing the younger man gasp in pleasure, resulting in him biting down on Matt's neck.

Matt tugged on the waistcoat, pulling Adam closer so he could have his own fun with Adam's neck. He moved Adam's hair out of his way.

"You need a haircut" Matt muttered.

"Maybe" Adam mumbled back.

Soon enough, Matt was panting heavily at what Adam was doing to him, tugging on his dick, the other hand playing with Adam's nipples.

Matt could feel Adam was getting close to his orgasm, locking eyes with him as he dug his nails down Adam's back, leaving bloody marks behind.

"Ahhh yes! That's it" Adam grunted as he exploded in Matt's ass, feeling Matt spray out over the both of them, cum mixing with paint. Matt moaned uncontrollably as he finished his orgasm, Adam collapsing on top of him.

Adam eventually stopped thrusting, but still inside him. He slowly pulled out and laid beside Matt.

"You really think I need a haircut? I like it like this" Adam spoke, running his hands through his messy hair.

"Sometimes gets in the way. But don't have it too short, I love something to grab onto" he winked at Adam.

Adam smirked in return, then Matt sat up.

"So when's the next time?" Matt asked.

Adam huffed. "I don't know. Tour coming up, maybe I can sneak you on tour"

Matt got up and grabbed his clothes, Adam tossed him a ragged cloth to clean himself up. Afterwards, Matt snuck out, leaving Adam to clean up and get dressed again before someone comes in.

He picked up his ring, sighing in guilt as he slid it back on his finger.

"What am I doing?" he muttered to himself. He took his ring off again, and searched for his phone, picking it up and calling his wife. She picks up after a few rings.

"Naomi...uh, I'm sorry but there's someone else. I've been having an affair since last year. I'm sorry but I want a divorce" then he hung up and called Matt.

"Missing me already?" Adam heard Matt chuckle.

"It's over Matt. But I can't do this. I just need a break from relationships for a while. The guilt is killing me"

"But, can't you just divorce her? We can still be together. I don't understand why you're doing this. You were happy not long ago"

Adam sighed. "Trust me Matt, I loved us, we were so good together. But I need a clean slate. Maybe there could be an 'us' in the future. I'm sorry"

He hung up again before Matt could say anything else. He sat back down on the bed, head in his hands. Matt kept calling him back but Adam ignored his calls.


A couple days later, Adam got a call from Brad whilst he was staying at an old mates house, and picked it up.

"A-Adam...he's...oh god..." Brad sobbed.

"Whoa Brad, what's wrong?"

"He's d-dead"

"...Who?" Adam was scared.

"Matt. He...k-killed himself..." Brad trailed off.

Adam's phone dropped out of his hand as he fell to his knees.

"What have I done? What have I done! He killed himself because of me..." Adam sobbed, repeating himself over and over as he cried his heart out.

And in that moment, Adam realised he loved Matt. He loved him so damn much. Adam realised that Matt was his soulmate, the one he was meant to spend the rest of his life with, but he blew it. Literally.

He messed up the one good thing to ever happen to him, and he'll never get Matt back.

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