Turn Me (Matt x Neil)

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Matt walks into the kitchen as he finished cleaning his car outside, he cleans his stuff up and walks upstairs for a shower. He walks into the bedroom and stops in his tracks at the sight.

His boyfriend feeding on his best friend, Adam.

"What the hell!"

Neil snapped around, his eyes red and blood dripping down his mouth and fangs.

"Matt I-"

"You're a vampire! How long have you been one? Oh my god that must be so cool!" Matt rambled on.

Neil was stunned at Matt, he thought Matt would've been scared of him. He ushered Adam out, Matt quickly sat next to him.

"Can I touch them?" he asked.

Neil didn't realise he still had his fangs out. He gestured for Matt to go ahead, Matt shifted over so he was sat in Neil's lap, gently tracing his fingertips over each fang.

"What's it like? Being a vampire I mean"

"It's pretty cool" Neil shrugged.

"I still love you. Vampire, zombie or even a ghost, I don't care what or who you are. I love you and nothing will ever change that, Neil. I'm with you forever"

Neil smiled, pulling Matt closer as Walst buried his face in Neil's chest. Neil couldn't help himself when he traced his finger over Matt's neck, feeling his pulse under his finger.


"Oh, please baby? I wanna be like you. I know you wanna turn me too"

Matt has been bugging Neil to turn him for weeks now, Neil always refused, he never wanted to kill anyone. But Matt always persisted.

"No, I'm not putting you through the painful process" Neil shook his head.

"You know I'll grow old but I won't if you turn me" Matt urged.

He pulled Neil against him, Neil kissed him, biting his bottom lip with his fangs, being careful not to draw blood. He knew just how to tease Matt.

"Just a small taste" Matt said in between kisses. "I know you wanna taste my blood"

Neil resisted the urge. Matt flipped them over so he was on top, quickly grabbing his hand and dug Neil's sharp nail into his neck, gasping lowly at the pain.

Neil snarled as he could smell the blood, trying to move away but Matt pulled him to his neck.

"Just once, taste me"

Neil pinned Matt down, Matt ran his finger down his neck and put it to Neil's lips, Neil licked his lips and snarled again at his taste of blood.

Before Matt could do anything, Neil pinned his hands down and sunk his fangs into Matt's neck.

"Yes, baby! That's all I wanted"

Neil couldn't slow down, he hungrily fed on Matt, his eyes burning red. But Neil quickly regained his self control as he pulled away. Matt pouted but giggled when Neil took Matt's shirt off.

"My blood that much of a turn on?" he giggled.

"No. You're right, I want to turn you so we can stay young forever. But it will hurt as it slowly stops your heart"

"What do you need to do?" Matt asked as he sat up.

"I need to bite you multiple times and inject my venom into you. You sure you want this?"

Matt nodded, then Neil pushed him down again. He hesitated but Matt pulled him in for a kiss.

"I'll be okay, just remember how much I love you"

Neil nodded, then he bit into his neck, releasing his venom into Matt. As soon as he did, Matt screamed out as the venom instantly coursed his veins. Neil apologised again and again as he bit into Matt all over his top half.

"It hurts! Make it stop..." Matt cried out.

Neil just pulled Matt onto his lap and cradled him, playing with strands of Matt's short blonde hair.

"Shh, it's alright. It'll be over soon, baby" Neil soothed.

Neil could hear Matt's heartbeat slowing down over his screams and cries of pain. For Matt, it felt like his veins were on fire, burning on the inside. Matt grew colder in his arms, became paler too.

Matt shivered, closing his eyes, he tried to hold on for as long as he could but the pain was unbearable. Neil placed a soft kiss to Matt's lips as finally, his heart came to a stop.

He laid Matt back down, silently waiting. Minutes passed, but Matt was still gone which worried Neil.

"It shouldn't take this long. C'mon Matt" he whispered as he looked for any signs of life.

Neil grabbed his phone and dialled a number. Afterwards, when Neil knew he was on his way, he knew Matt needed help. So he cut his wrist open and let his blood drip into Matt's mouth.

"I hope this works" he prayed.

When he arrived, Neil was pacing as way more time had passed that was needed. Neil shouldn't of turned him, he should've known it was too dangerous, too high of a risk.

Just as Neil was about to give up, he heard a groan whimper out. He quickly turned and saw Matt sat up, eyes red and fangs bared as his lips tugged into a snarl.


"Get in here!" Neil shouted down. "You can feed on him"

As soon as Adam burst through the door, Matt pounced on him, tearing into his throat.

"Whoa, Matt! Slow down! You're gonna kill him!" Neil tried pulling Matt away but he just shrugged Neil off.

Adam struggled under the monster grip Matt has on him.

"Matt! That's...enough" Adam panted.

Matt went hunger mad, blood pouring from his mouth as he drained Adam. Neil literally had to rip Matt off Gontier, tearing Adam's throat open even more as he did so. Adam fell to his knees, looking up at them as he held onto his throat with his hand.

Matt tried going for Adam again but Neil held him back, using his powers to drain Matt, making him sleepy as he put Matt on the bed. Neil went over to Adam, who was now on his back, barely breathing. Neil once again sliced his wrist open.

"Here" he forced Adam to drink.

Slowly, Adam healed as Matt woke up but wasn't hungry anymore.

"I'd still like Matt to feed on me as well" Adam coughed.

Neil smiled as Matt wrapped his arms around his best friend apologetically.

"This is so cool! I'm finally a vampire!" he cheered as he pulled Neil in for a kiss, Adam sandwiched between the two.

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