His Voice (Adam x Brad)

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The young adult walked into the guitar centre, he has a passion for music but unfortunately he can't afford anything like that, he thought it was a good idea to just look at the instruments, hoping he'll have enough money one day.

He picked up a blue guitar, admiring the way it felt, how it looked, how awesome it felt. He saw another young adult walking towards him and clapping. His beautiful blue eyes sparkling, his soft brown hair looked so fluffy.

"You sound incredible. When you'd learn to play?" the young man asked.

He put the guitar back and signed to the man. The brown haired man frowned as he realised the beauty before him is deaf. He pulled out his phone and wrote out a reply, showing it to the blonde man. The blonde did the same back, typing out what to wanted to say.

He read the message from the other boy, you have beautiful blue eyes. I can get lost in them forever, he blushed at the brunette. The other smiled as he wrote.

Do you want to get coffee with me? The blonde smiled and typed out his name, which is Brad.

That's a beautiful name. I'm Adam. The brown haired man replied back.

They both left the store and walked to the nearest coffee shop, Adam went to order as Brad sat at a table. When Adam came back with the drinks, Brad showed him a message, do you want my phone number? Adam nodded, adding Brad's number to his phone.

Some time went by when Adam texted Brad. Can you teach me how to sign? Brad nodded, teaching Adam the basics.

They found out so much about each other, Brad found out that Adam had a normal childhood but his parents kicked him out when they found out he's gay. He also wants to start a band but that's proving difficult.

Brad lost his hearing when he was a toddler, the doctors did everything they could but nothing worked, his parents couldn't afford for any surgeries. Adam felt sad for him, he couldn't even hear any simple noises, like birds tweeting or just the wind or rain let alone hearing music. But he was learning to how sign so that's an upside. They decided that Brad will teach Adam every weekend, he would go over to Brad's for it.

After awhile, Adam walked Brad home. Was this our first date? Brad texted.

It can be if you want it to be. Adam texted back. Brad smiles as he kisses Adam on the cheek, waving as he walked inside.


Every weekend, Adam and Brad would would hang out and learn more about each other, as did they got closer to one another, they have a special bond already.

They even got up to mischief on their dates, it was always Adam's idea, he's very mischievous. They would mess around in stores and get kicked out, they would jump around in the fountains, they would get up to all sorts thanks to Adam but Brad loved it, he couldn't remember the last time he had so much fun, he wouldn't trade his time with Adam for anything else. A minute for other people are like a thousand with Adam.

After two months dating, Brad introduced Adam to Matt and Neil who's Matt's husband. Adam and Neil would always prank the Walst brothers.


A few years go by and they're having their three year anniversary and Brad has the perfect idea for Adam's present.

Adam asks where are they going but Brad just puts the blindfold on him before helping him in his friends car, then getting in himself and they drive off.

Once they reach their destination, Brad helped Adam out and took him through the main doors. He took the blindfold off Adam, he looked around confused. Brad signed that he's going to get surgery for his hearing. Adam smiles, how'd you pay for it? he texts.

Brad just shakes his head and pulls Adam over to another room. A doctor is already waiting for Brad. "He'll be alright. The docs know what they're doing" Brad's friend, Mike, tells Adam.

"I hope so" he replies, getting ready to leave as he was instructed.

All day Adam has been nervous, he was told that Mike will bring Brad back home after the surgery. And he kept Adam up to date.

As soon as Adam came home, he wrapped himself in Brad's hoodie, breathing in his scent. What felt like forever was finally over.

When Brad woke up after his surgery, he nearly fainted as he could hear the beeping of the machines around him. He couldn't stop smiling. Or talking for that matter.

"Is this...is this what I really sound like?" Brad just couldn't stop talking or listening to anything and everything. He's never been happier in his life since he met Adam.

After Mike picked him up, he got to Adam's house and walked in. He spotted Adam sleeping on his couch. Brad knelt beside him, gently shaking him awake, he groaned, rubbing his face.

"Your groans are cute"


"Uh huh. I can hear" Brad says.

"You can. You can hear my voice?" Adam asks.

"I've always imagined what your voice would sound like and it's even more beautiful than I imagined" Brad pulled Adam in for a kiss. "Sing to me. I want to hear you sing"

"Alright, alright just for you" Adam laughed.

"Even your laugh is cute"

After Adam finished singing, Brad squeals, fanboying over Adam's voice.

"So keep talking to me and never stop. I can never get bored of listening to your voice, baby"

"Is my voice a turn on?" Adam asks.

"Hmm maybe. Your voice is sexy enough"

Adam laughs as Brad curls up to him.

"Adam, I'm ready now. I know you didn't want to do anything because I couldn't hear but now I'm ready. I want to have sex with you"

Adam looked in those blue eyes of Brad's. "Whenever you wanna do it, then I'll make it happen"

"Now. Three years is long enough. I want to hear every noice you can make"

Adam was pulled up, Brad jumped as Adam lifted him up, wrapping his legs around Adam. He took them up to his bedroom, pinning Brad to his bedroom door.

"You don't know how much I've wanted you, Brad. But I was willing to wait till you were ready and now you are"

"Just for once, shut up and kiss me, Adam"


Thanks for the request AdamWalst 🤘

Three Days Grace ShipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora